The Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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Springfield, Massachusetts

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15 THE SPRINGIELD DAILY NEWS: LORENCE HIGH SCHOOL Recent Easthampton Bride HOLYOKE WEST STREET LEADS PUBLIC special feature is HENNIGAN AND SCHOOL PATROL NORTHAMPTON SPORTS SILVER APPEAL on INES $50 Are Convicted on Charges of But blanking the IS CONTINUED PURCHASE for of 8 Clark street be LIGHTING CO IS PROPOSED a COMPLAINT RUN HIT AND which AMHERST of COURT HOLYOKE PERSONALS EASTHAMPTON HATIELD HADLEY held an and SOUTH DEERIELD a will be held on the 6th of that to AM III1HST stunts Main the the The cup to in on top of the Then them and Howard Joseph Lorette Irene St even in sr Bye is to be married June 26 ley Unfcheat the the the has for the employed atecent ly suc Thomp a special yesterday operating a license had been re Al inal arrangements have been made for the annual garden party to be held tomorrow night at the AleLean home in Glen street under the aus pices of Isabella Court of oresters In addition to table prizes there will Trinity Lutheran is a graduate of and Cooley Dick Degree of regular meeting breath taking the roof of the high above Lacroix Henry Ernest of Paradise and skilled labor if the city pay for the work destruction of property in the erry section of the city by fire The hre de part Aliss Edith Alesh and Arnold Wild of married Sunday at church Tire bride Easthampton high meet the Pascos in a Northampton Amateur Baseball league tilt tonight if the weather permits Tomorrow night the Shamrocks clash with the Whirlwinds and Thursday night the team meets the firemen excellent rendi and on the old time favorite New York June 19 Herbert Rus sell convicted June 2 of the murder of Martin Harris Negro known as "the Harlem policy was sen tenced yesterday by Judge Donnellan to die in the electric chair the week of July 30 He shot Harris after robbing him of $5000 MORGAN JR HIGH TO GIVE PAGEANT AT GRADUATION TONIGHT HIBERNIAN AUXILIARY IS PLANNING INTENSIVE MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN The commission granted first prize which Is a silver cup was made to the West school patrol O'Connor the judges made the presenta jrcatly praised the Edward Hopkins in st tidies wa a studies because Hadley realized benefit of the head at the home of Mrs Mary Kru fka's solo Song Murray of Lawlei back into the win by in a of HAS BRIDGE TEA MOUNT TOM MAYOR AND WATER COMMISSION DISCUSS PLACING HYDRANTS blowing across the roof of the build ing but Dault did not let it bother him Asked if he ever gets frightened when the shaky perch begins to wob ble while he is going through his gyrations Dault said: 1 get a kick out of Mrs Dault was ob viously relieved when the stunt was over however The slightest slip would have been sufficient to precipi tate the daredevil! to the sidewalk which could only mean one end The crowd acknowledged Dault's feat with warm applause ORMER GARDNER AT SMITH COLLEGE DEAD lorence June 10 Willis Pierce a native of lorence and later a resi dent of Springfield died recenttv at Seattle Wash according to word re ceived by his cousin Mrs Kate Bissell The body will be cremated and burial will be in Park street cemetery here Mr Pierce was lxrn at lorence He LORENCE NATIVE DIES IN SEATTLE Brown near pitching He limited bowed to outfit in' was fea with Sts the upper hand NOT DISPOSING BICYCLES THIS YEAR UNION STREET SEWER PROJECT IS STARTED POLICY KILLER SENTENCED TO DIE Northampton June 19 The Metho dist summer conference for Western Massachusetts will open at Liurel park on August IS and will continue through August 27 There will be de partments of church school young people missions and ministers which will offer leadership training The program will open Saturday August IS with registration POLISH NEWSPAPERS CARRY ARTICLE ON HOPKINS ACADEMY Holyoke June The water com mission conferred with Mayor Henry Toepfert yesterday relative to the petition of ire Chief Patrick Hur ley for the instalation of hydrants in the Smith erry section of the city The commission takes the stand that it does not favor the erection of hy drants on private property but signi fied its willingness to furnish the ma terial would The Smith caused the petition jnent urged that dry hydrants be in stalled so that connections with the river might be made in time of fire in summer homes along the river front division has also been re INVESTIGATION INTO THE DEATH SUMMER CONERENCE TO OPEN AUGUST 18 the Pascos a no hit no the Shamrocks them scoreless of pViv The safe blows off it informer representa ANTHGNY KACINSKI HATIELD DEAD AMHERST MAN IS INED IN WARE ARRESTED ATER STI CHASE WILL ACE WET DRIVING COUNT charge of assault Martin leming ton The case was on the 27th Atty pears for leming WATER SUPPLY DISTRICT MEETING ON 25TH PISI'OS BLANK SHAMROCKS The Pascos broke column last night Shamrocks 5 to 0 encounter came very run game to one hit and held 1 for the seven innings Pascos collected four the slants Keefe Northampton June 19 Many local and out of town residents looking for bargains in bicycles with the closing of Smith college experienced difficulty in acquiring student machines this year It has been customary for de parting students particularly seniors to turn the bikes in in large numbers but for some reason this year they failed to do so SPRINGIELD MASS: TUESDAY JUNE 19 1934 TICKET SALES ON THE PARKS IS ORBIDDEN PARSONS HEADS THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION SMITH SCHOOL consisted of Ray Turner and GROCERS MARKETS DECIDE TO CLOSE HAL DAY WEDNESDAY The of softball team the fast stepping St John's a game last night The tilt tured by plenty of action John's holding honey umpired preparing of Responsibility Northampton June Thomas Smith 77 of 32 North Elm street died last night at Dickinson hospital after a short illness He was born at Richmond and had been a resi dent of this city for 53 years He was formerly an assistant gardener at Smith college retiring a few years ago because of ill health He was a mem ber of Waverly lodge of Odd ellows at Antrim IL and of the Congre gational church of that town He leaves his widow a daughter Mrs John Walpole of this city three brothers and two sisters all in Can ada The funeral will be held Thurs day afternoon at 230 at the home Burial will be in Spring Grove ceme tery Amherst June A salad supper will be served on Thursday evening from 6 until 730 at St Brigid's parish hall by the Amherst circle Daughters of Isabella The committee in charge includes Miss Mary Shea Miss Helen Harrington Mrs Edith Clarke Miss Nellie Garvey Airs Leon Dickinson Mrs Charles Crossman Mrs Edward Knightly Miss Margaret Nagle Miss Bridget Danahey and Mrs Both Eddy The funeral of Wilton Towne a former resident who died in Portland Me was held this afternoon at the Douglas Marsh funeral home Rev Stead Thornton pastor of the Wesley Methodist church officiated and bur ial was in West cemetery The Lesion auxiliary will meet tonight at at the American Txgion home and have an Americanization and national defense program Mem bers of JI Stanton Woman's Belief corps hare been invited and members of the auxiliary are also inviting friends The program is in charge of Airs Katherine Moore and Mrs BerthaKneeland and will include a talk by Mrs Peter oley of Turners alls A colorful drill will be given by the drill team of South Hadley alls' auxiliary on the lawn under the direction of Mrs Mary Smith Northampton June Michael Ba zara of Amherst had a hit and run charge dismissed but pleaded guilty to and paid a fine of $50 for dangerous driving in court today The charges were brought as a result of an acci dent on Main street Amherst Atty appeared for Bazara William Herman of Northampton was fined $5 for speeding on Prospect and Locust streets Alice Morton of this city denied a and battery on also of Northamp set down for trial ap memhers were chaperoned by Miss Mallorv Mrs George Clapp and Mrs O'Donnell of South Deerfield Mr and Mrs Marshal Pease of Whately The children were treated to candy Those in the party were Homer Wad dell Roger McCutcheon Helen Olsz ewski John Wcislo Rott Clapp Helen Lankowski Elizabeth Chesnul Mary Descaricz Minnie Gritz Mil dred rench Adolph Zukowski Mar shall Pease Edward Simka Iott1 Kubilis Pauline Galisa Beatrice Gro malski Josephine Gromalski and Mary Namaycski Clapper and were RTm thnmnton June 19 Charles Parsons was elected president of the Smith Agricultural school alumni as sociation at the annual banquet and reunion held last night at the school He succeeds Raymond Brigham Other officer chosen were: Vice president Mrs Hazel Turner secretary Mrs Graves treasurer Leroy Sabin auditor Walter iler A business meeting followed banquet staged last night at arena More than 125 attended annual award of the attendance was made to the class of 1932 which had an average of 40 per cent of its membership on hand The committee on arrangements mond Brigham Mrs Hazel Mrs Graves Leroy Sabin Charles Parsons CHASE SEEKS BOTH NOMINATIONS IN ASKING REELECTION freshments will be served by a group of young women comprising the Misses Elizabeth O'Connell Susan Cal lahan Constance Morgan Mary lynn Veronica hSeehan Miriam White Helen orgctte Constance eKnnedy and Mary Dunn Miss Margaret Clark is general chairman assisted by the following members: Mrs Mae Txiw is Mrs Mary Gibbons Mrs Nellie Mcl iean Mrs Katherine Kings ley Mrs Katherine Sheehan Mrs Margaret Hyde Mrs Margaret Clark Mrs Geneva O'Connell Mrs Nel lie 1 O'Sullivan Miss Kathryn Grif tin Mrs Rose Curley and Mrs Mar garet Jolly Miss Lillian Donoghue and Miss Cecelia Geoglian will act as ushers Mrs Seymour Vershon was hostess last night at her home on Pleasant street for a meeting of the Clinton club Bridge was played and honors in bridge went to Mrs George Noonan and Mrs rank Mosher Mrs Eliza beth Sharkey will entertain the club next week as a Book time The members of the Wednesday Night Contract club motored yester day to Glastonbury Ct where cards were played at the Pines Mrs Mar garet Slocum was hostess Honors went to Mrs Elizabeth Shine and Mrs Mary Campbell Impersonating an Officer Order for Appointment of Committee to Come Be fore City Council IRS ARNOLD WILD Nee EDITH MESH (Photo by Hoffman) A CONCERT WELL RECEIVED SOUTH DEERIELD BRIES Mr and Mrs Raymond Ward of Hartford Ct were Sunday guests of Miss lora Mentor Lawrence Hoik who past three years been Blllinirs Pharmacv and cessfully passed his examination for a registered druggist left for Adams where he has accepted a position in the McKinley Square Pharmacy Mrs Cora Manson has returned to her home on Graves street after spending the week at Malone visiting relatives The Delta club comprised of sixth grade pupils in Miss Virginia Mal lory's room and former members now of the seventh grade enjoyed a tliea Northampton June 19 lived up to his name last night by performing on the edge of tuck building street irst Dault piled three tables of one another on the edge naranet and stood on his head he set four quart bottles on the top table and balanced a chair on them Mounting this shaky insecure perch he proceeded to go through several stunts which left a big crowd on the street below breathless Tempting fate still further he pro cured another chair and using it and the chair balanced precariously on the mouths of the bottles did another hand A brisk breeze was Parazards and Criterions Have Their Privileges Restored But No New Evidence Is Dis closed in Osgood Case Holvoke June 19 Police today were continuing the investigation into the deatli of George A Osgood 2S of 109 Walnut street who died early yes terday afternoon at his home and whose death according to an autopsy performed by Associate Medical Ex aminer Stanley Cox was due to a fracture of the skull Police authori ties were doubtful however that the investigation would reveal anything Capt of Detectives Peter Man ning under whom Detectives Timothy Murphy and Joseph Kane are working on the case stated this morning that his men had found noth ing that would lead to suspicion of foul play although they received reports that Osgood was involved in a fist fight the aftermath of a card game Investigation by detectives revealed that Osgood on riday suffered a cut over the right eye which resulted in a discolored condition around the eye and a bruise on the right arm They believe he suffered these in a' fall He had showed no signs of illness up to the time of Ills death Police have been unable to find anyone who had knowledge of the manner in Osgood received his injuries Mr Osgood was employed printer at the Eureka Blank company and previous to that was employed at the Mahoney bowling alley He leaves his mother Mrs Margaret Osgood and two brothers John and rancis Osgood The funeral will be held at the John Shea funeral home Thursday morning at 830 followed by a high mass of requiem in St Patrick's chapel at 9 Burial will be in St Jerome's ceme tery The ERA music project which ha'A been in charge of Richard arrell) will be discontinued after Thursday there being no further funds for that purpose About 45 men and women have taken advantage of the oppor tunity for instruction State Trooper Joseph Regan enter ed Dickinson hospital today prepara tory to undergoing an operation Thursday He will be incapacitated for four weeks Mr and Mgs Domenico Latumbo of Isabella stree thave announced the marriage of their daughter Kather ine to rederick Gradiner of 13 Dana street The marriage took place Saturday at Lebanon and Mr and Mrs Samuel Latumbo of this city were the attendant Tiie Misses Delia and Margaret Keefe of Perkins avenue are visiting Mr and Mrs David Keefe of Worces ter Mrs rederic Carlisle of Springfield will speak on You Will Want to at the June meeting of the Women's society of the irst Bap tist church riday afternoon nt 3 at the home of Mrs William Cochran of Elm street The regular monthly card party of the Socialist local of the Young Peo ple's Socialist league will be held to night for the quarters fund Mary Dickson of 4 1 Pomeroy terrace nenoiiah council hnntas will hold a tonight at 8 at Odd ellows' hall The Women's Relief corps will meet tomorrow afternoon A supper will be served at 530 and a business will take place at 715 Account of How' Poles Changed Program of Old Amer ican School Mi William street entertained the members of the Mom lav night at her home 1 rh nAwn and Mrs Harold Prentiss James Baker of Hampden street will entertain the club next week Is Adjudged as the Most Effi cient Groups Nonotuck Second JUNIOR SERVICE CORPS AT CLUB Uollvwood with Laurel and Har dy Jlnintv Durante Mickey Mouse Lupe Velez roily Moran and others at Amherst theater today (Adv nvn vm 11 1 1 1 Ill was built tennis courts and an ath letic field laid out and cooking sew ing and agriculture were added to the curriculum Just rs was expected the extended program of studies brought an increase in the number of stu dents In 1909 the academy had an enrolment of 41 15 boys and 26 girls The population of Had' in the year 1905 was 1895 In 1929 the academy had 139 pupils 63 boys and 77 girls 70 per cent were students of Polish descent In 1934 the enrolment is 206 92 boys and 114 girls 75 per cent are of Polish descent At present the population of Hadley is over 2600 of which 1800 are of Polish ancestry The soccer team at the' school champions of Western Massachusetts was com posed almost entirely of boys of Polish descent The Polish rteoplo are now out of the pioneer stage They are sending their children to schools Holyoke June 19 This grad uation exercises at Morgan Junior High school will present an extensive survey of the Junior High school cur riculum in an elaborate and colorful pageant using in the process of its ent'oldment all of the 108 graduates of the school Every department of the school has its subject represented in the various episodes The arts sciences and languages with their specific divisions namely art music household economics manual training general science mathematics social studies and the languages rench Latin and English are shown to cor relate with each other in a harmon ious blending suitable to and worthy of the definition associated with edu cation as we wish it to be that development of the physical the mental the esthetic and the moral rowers of man to prepare him for aight living in this world so that he jnay eventually attain the ends for (which he was I Actual nunil projects such as large' vell graplied jnaps poster of scienti I be a large number of door prizes Re Holyoke June 19 The Safety Pa trol judges appointed by the Tri County Automobile club A A A have finally completed their difficult task of choosing the winners among the pub li cschool patrols After most inten sive study the West street school pa trol was unanimously chosen as the most efficient safety unit in the pub lic schools of Holyoke A very close second was the Nonotuck street school with several other schools nearly tied for this enviable rating In fact the judges found that four schools were within three points of each other for the honorable mention award Never in any past year has the competition been so keen and the patrols so gen erally efficient Yesterday the formal presentation of the loving street one of tion speech and work of the patrol personel together with the fact that the patrol had re ceived most excellent supervision from Principal Agnes Kelliher At the pre sentation another judge Charles An drus was present together with Safe ty Officer Jeremiah Golden who has direct charge of all safety educational work i nllolyoke Officer Golden gave a very appropriate talk pertaining not only to safety but also covering the question of children being considerate of some one clses property especially during vacation time He pointed out how unfair and thoughtless it was for children to break shrubs mar build ings fences etc Charles Andrus who is also President of hte Chamber of Commerce congratulated the group upon their excellent showing and out lined what it meant in the future children to be safety minded Without dorbt the members of West street school patrol arc happiest group of youngsters in city today The fact that they were awarded first prize yesterday means that they will retain the Reciprocity club silver loving cup permanently as they have won it three times in fact three years in succession Miss Agnes Kiiliher the principal is exceptionally proud of this feat as the West street school has been awarded first prize each year for the three years that she has been principal of the West street school Work Completed for the Year The safety patrol judging has been completed for the year as a few days ago the Precious Blood school patrol was awarded first prize in the paro chial school division with the Rosary school a close second The Tri County Automobile club A A A is again planning an outing for the four patrol winners Without a doubt this gathering will be held at Mountain park with the usual free run of the concessions for the children a complete program of sports and a luncheon 9 definite date for this out ing will be set in a few days The personel of the West street school patrol is as follows Captain Irving Rainault lieutenant Louis Gaouette Richard Senecal patrolmen George Baillargeon Stanley Stakowicz John ernandez Charles Eugene Sroka Philip Cronin rank bmigiel Normand Godard Chevalier 'William Wholers Nogodzynski Doris Yelie Gaouette Rita Blanchard Jean Lottie Garbacik Mary Garbacik Zdzislaw Sroka Stanley Wilk Mephew Wierzbicki George Jennings Ray mond Mackiewicz Lucien Lila Gamache Agnes Stokes Itenaud Yvette Racicot Demers Stanley Janik Oscar Hebert Armand Deforge Tofeld Mozgala The personel of the Nonotuck street school is as follows Captain rank Dibble lieutenants Anne Scheibei Kingsland Mullen Virginia Stone patrolmen Anne Simmons Emmy Lou Dawson John McDonald James Judd Rosamond ay Dorothy Thayer Con stance Millane Lorraine Martin Irene Jjosty Eleanor Haggerty Theodore Smith Benjamin Brooksbank Mirian itzgerald John Mitchell Margaret Ryan George Murphy Arthur Kreu ter James Morrison lorence Alen esini Doris Van Nostrand Marjorie Murphy Bertha Kuzeja Kay Lynch James Dudley Charles Bradley Gladys Eckart Lillian Kennedy Wil liam Ryan Mary Monahan Phylis Allen and William Monahan But Amherst Man ined $50 for Dangerous Driving Adelard acto Burial was in St cemetery The tennis courts nt ord hall are not yet open to Easthampton people as they are still in use by some 01 the Williston students who are stay ing over for college examinations There will be a meeting of the East hampton tennis club tomorrow night in the Dodge room at the athletic building when anyone interested in joining the club for this season is asked to be present Liter the club will issue a notice when the courts will be open The graduating exercises of the junior high school will be held in the town hall Tuesday evening the 26th There are 125 graduates in the class this year Manager Trueheart of the Univer sals has arranged for a game with red original Hoboes to be plaved on Sawver field tomorrow night at 615 The Hoboes will be dressed in true hobo costumes and they prom ise plenty of fun throughout the game A sheriff is right after them all the time so they will be on their good behavior whatever that may be Henrv Demarais will umpire Walter Poznanski 35 of 44 Grant street died yesterday morning at the home of his parents Mr and Mrs rank Poznanski of 208 Plainfield street Springfield after a long illness He was born in Ludlow and had lived most of his life in Easthampton be ing employed in the printing depart ment at the Hampton mills Besides his parents he leaves his wife Hen rietta (Wernik) Poznanski two chil dren Henry and Constance five sis ters and two brothers Northamtpon June 19 Arrested after an eight mile chase over the back road from Haydenville to White ly yesterday Harry A Weldon of Wnshintiyi was haled before Judge John Lyman in court today and pleaded guilty to drunkenness The case was continued to the 22d when a charge of driving will be preferred Constable Wilfred Jolindrow of Williamsburg pursued a car allegedly driven by Weldon over tiie mountain road for a distance of nearly eight miles at a fast speed At one time the fugitive machine left the road and skirted the edge of a cornfield and bean patch Johndrow finally over took the car inson hospital bridegroom is a graduate of the Siyith school North ampton and Is employed by the Hampton company? They will reside at 49 Maple street At a meeting of auxiliary Division 2 of Hibernians held last night in Red Men's hall announce ment was made that the auxiliary would participate in a in a campaign in accordance with a request sent out by the na tional president Mrs Anna Bryant and committees are to be named at the next meeting on July 16 It was also announced that there would be but one meeting a month during July and August The August meeting month 'n nil quested by the national president to write a history of the auxiliary and the committee appointed to engage in this work comprises: Miss Margaret Nolan Miss Margaret Bresnahan Miss Josephine Shinkwin Miss Mary Land ers and Miss Helen Lynch Mrs Annie Moriarty Mrs Ellen Bradley and Mrs Mary Warren of Waban Plans for tiie annual outing were discussed at last night's meeting and the following committee appointed: Miss Helen Lynch chairman assisted by Miss Margaret Bresnahan and Miss Mary Sullivan ISABELLA C0URL 0 GARDEN PARTY TOMORROW South Deerfield June The an nual meeting of the South Deerfield water supply district Monday evening the House 21 to choose elect a clerk treasurer and auditor for one year and a water commis sioner for three years Article asks to authorize the treasurer with the approval of the water commissioner to borrow money from time to time in anticipation of revenue of the finan cial year besinning on the 26th Mrs Mary Campbell of Nonotuck street will be hostess tonight for a meeting of the Tuesday afternoon club Northampton June 19 Grocers and market men have decided to close up shop Wednesday afternoons starting this week The half day holiday pro gram will continue through August There will be one exception when July 4 falls on Wednesday Hatfield June Anthony Kacin ski 55 of Bradstreet dicl yesterday afternoon after a short illness at the Cooley Dickinson hospital He came to America 35 years ago and spent most of his time in South Deerfield until lately he had lived with his son Stanley of Bradstreet lie leaves five Stanley of Bradstreet An thonv of Rhode Island Mrs Michael Makowski ami Ernest of Bridgeton and Mrs John Keenan of Provi dence I The funeral will be held at the son's home in Bradstreet Evening Bridge club last rizes tor the scores went to Mrs Stephen Mrs fle nature artistic reproductions of types of architecture concrete prod ucts of manual training and household art classes are utilized to maximum fleet iveness There are several dance novelties a musical pantomime in addition to three vocal choruses by the entire class A special feature is the evolution of the dress in a parade which rexo" frills and fads of fash ion over a period of two centui les from colonial day to the present time A group of boys do a rhy thmic calis thenic number illustrative of the mod ified form of strenuous gymnastics now advocated in the newer schools of physical training The tennis tap waltz so aptly danced by several girls is another one of the many interest ing and novel presentations The ex ercises wiil take place this evening at the Morgan Junior High school audi torium Ma NORTHAMPTON BREVITIES Holyoke June 19 The parks and recreation commission will not con sent to the selling of tickets for any game or exhibition at a public park or plavground it informer representa tives of the Parazards and Criterions 1 i cf it 5 these two teams a restoration of play i ing permits I The permits had been revoked last week because representatives of the two clubs had been selling tickets dur i ing games on the Mitchell field A protest was immediately placed and the two clubs were allowed the use I of the grounds until definite action by I the commission The commissioners i said that thev would do nothing to i prevent sale of tickets in any place other than the public grounds leav ing the clubs up to selling tiie tickets on the streets adjoining the parks The commissioners heard a group from tiie George Clarke post Vet erans of oreign Wars asking that the Beech street playgrounds be named after the namesake of the post i The petition was laid on the table until public demand for the renaming of the ground was made Henry McNulty supervisor of play grounds reported the erection of a backstop at the Morgan playgrounds and the loaming of the playing field The playground was opened last sea son The board named the directors of the playgrounds and the swimming instructors as follows: directors Wilma Quinn of 56 Brown avenue Jane Connor of 11 Howard street and Euphrosine Pow ers of 17 Beacon avenue substitutes Mary Lvnch of 131 Hillside avenue Man McKenna of 18 Beacon avenue and YLatieszek of 29 Longwood avenue directors Georgo Nowak of 91 ountain street Morton Weisen berg of 65 Clairmont avenue Edward Moriarty of 61 ranklin street Ed ward McCarthy of 60 Lincoln street and Harry Coderre of 4S Linden street: substitutes Charles Rosen bloom of 40 West field road William Geraghty of 533 Beech street ran cis Stone of 218 West Madison ave nue William Iyons of 35 Wolcott street and James Conway of 1 Samo set street Miss Anna Wilkis of 551 Bridge I street was named swimming in structor and Edward Moriarty i 82 North East street for the boys The Junior Service corps attractive bridge tea this afternoon at the Mount Tom Golf club to raise funds to continue the work of the corps which conducts a speech clinic at the Holyoke hospital Presiding at the tea tallies were sev eral socially prominent women includ ing Mrs Nathan Avery Mrs Bagg Jr Mrs Edgar Bosworth Mrs Childs Mrs DwightMrs Ti wthy 11 owler Mrs Addison lL Green and Mrs William hit ing members of the board of directors of Holyoke hospital Mrs Karl Aiderman chairman of the ways and means committee has had charge of arrangements Assisting the committee were Mrs Lewis Perkins Mrs Adolph ranz Jr Mrs Casper Ranger 2d Mrs Martin Judge Mrs William 'Whiting Mrs William Skin ner 2d Mrs Roland McDougall and Miss Dorothy Aiderman There weic choice prizes for the high scores made at tiie individual tables The ten tables and the loom where cards were played were beautifully decorated with a profusion of garden flowers Hadley June William Orr a member of the Hopkins academy board of trustees has received from his friend Dr Roman Dyboski of the Universitv of Krakow Poland a copy of an article which recently appeared in several Polish newspapers The Misses Marv Viener and Martha Zu chowski of street have trans lated the article into English rhe article the title of which is the Poles Changed the Program of an American School" follows: academy founded in 1661 in the town of Hadley Mass is one of the oldest schools in the United States It is a preparatory school which the youth attend before entering college The program of the academy in tiie mind iro 4 UL lies eluded exclusively classical Twenty five years ag there change in the program of This change was made partly of the coining of the Polish to tnictoric df thp ncademv that the program of studies should be supplemented by more practical sub jects if the Polish people were to send their children to the academy for a four year course The trustees hesi tated to do this because of the ad ditional expense of such a move One of the trustees however expressed himself in this manner: 'In my opinion our town in 30 years will have a Polish majority and what this town will be then will depend a great deal upon how we treat them This frank open hearted statement con vinced the trustees of the wisdom of enlarging the course of study The new arrangements were made: build ings Easthampton June 19 The work on the ERA sewer on Main street from School street to the railroad crossing was started yesterday The street in front of the fire station is now open and the apparatus is standing out doors on the Railroad street side of the station All extra help has been laid oft on the obard ot public works jobs Completition of the work on Garfield avenue and the curbing on Pleasant street is being done by the regular employes of the department The 12 inch water main on Alain street lias been put in commission with the exception of one fire hy drant which will be connected later Tomorrow morning work on the Cha pin street water main will be started and is expected to take about 10 days With the commencement of work on the rebuilding of Alain street new set ot men will be employed EASTII A BRIES A meeting of the managers of the twilight baseball league was held last night at the town hall and arrange ments were made to complete the first half of the league Thursday leaving the week of June 25th open for three postponed games At present there are three teams tied for first place the Collegians Shamrocks and Ath letics The second half will open on Alonday evening July 2 The committee in charge of the clam chowder dinner which will be served by the Easthampton ish and Game association in the grove at the Hendrick street pumping station met last night at the town hall and com pleted arrangements for serving the dinner rom the advance sale of tickets about 100 are expected to at tend The bake will be served at 1 sharp Members of the association have the privilege of bringing their women triencls Airs Clara Taylor left today spend some time visiting relatives Providence I Arthur Axtell left yesterday visit liis tw in sister in Tacoma Wash and expects to be gone about a month Tonight will be Pomona night at the meeting of the Grange in Aloose hall and the officers' chairs will be filled by the officers of Hampshire county Pomona Highlights of the National Grange Alonthly will be given by Snow Root The literary pros ram will be in charge of Airs Amy Witt of Bel chertown Miss Katherine Root will have charge of the refreshments The A Collegians handed the Ramblers a 10 to 5 defeat in the game on Daley field last night A meeting of the local union will be held at 730 tonight at Pepin's garage on erry street The funeral of Camile Hiter was held yesterday morning at the home 2 Norton coprt followed by a high mass ot requiem in Notre Dame church Rev Dupuis was cele brant The bearers were Percy Dame William Dame Arthur Boucher Clar ence Chevelier Howard and Northampton June 19 Leonard Hennigan of Courtland street Wor cester and William Silver of High street Holyoke were fined $50 each in district court today after a trial on charges of impersonating an officer and appealed They were held in $200 bail eacli for superior court by Judge John Mason The charge was preferred by Wal lace Kaleta of Southampton On Alay 9 Kaleta went to an auto junk yard owned by John Sullivan of Holyoke situated on the A premont highway at Westfield Hennigan a Blue Way line bus driver who was at the junk yard camp as the guest of Sullivan accost ed Kaleta Kaleta said he wanted an automobile switch Articles had been stolen from the junk yard and Hen nigan took Kaleta to Holyoke to in terview Sullivan Herman Saun ders ot Holyoke who was at the junk vard accompanied them After their arrival at the Paper City home of Sullivan Kaleta was transferred to the Holyoke police headquarters where he was questioned by Detective Raymond Loudon Kaleta was then taken to South ampton bv Hennigan and Silver after he volunteered to let them search a shed at his home for stolen parts On the way there Kaleta charged that both Hennigan ami Silver both flashed a badge This Hennigan and Silver denied They also denied that they had intimated that they were policemen as Kaleta declared The de fendants were brought in following an investigation by Police Chief AV ilfred Lyman and Officers Sherman and De lisle of Southampton Atty George Burke appeared for Hennigan IS REED Capacity Audience Hears Pro gram Under Direction of William Short Northampton June 19 Sage hall the Smith college campus was filled to capacity last night for a concert pro gram by the glee club voice class and orchestra of Northampton high school under the direction of William Short supervisor ot music In addition to the offerings of the students there were tenor solos by George Pelletier of this city who is well known as an accomplished vocal ist Three numbers by the glee club opened the program Next came a piano solo "Polonaise in sharp min or" by Gertrude Vanasse who gave a rhythmic interpretation of the num ber Two numlvers "Glorius Apollo" and in the Dim by the glee club were well received The next number a violin solo was presented with finesse and verve by Leonard Levin The voice tion of Art Aline was followed by the and Bells of St given by the boys' glee club number which won favor with the audience preceded two well done songs "The Star" and by the girls' glee club One of the highlights of the bal anced program came when Air Pelle tier sang He presented several encores in response to the ap plause "Pomona" a symphonic over ture by the orchestra a trumpet solo of by Ralph C'onz by the orchestra and the Spangled rounded out the program The student musical organization gave evidence of careful training and gave one of the finest unit perform ances the city has witnessed in some time Hazel Bonello acted as accom panist for the glee clubs Northampton June 19 An order is scheduled to come before the city council Thursday night asking the ap pointment of a committee by the mayor and president of the common council to consider the advisability of the purchase by the city of the North ampton Gas and Electric Light com pany The committee which would consist of five members would report to the common council later under the order which is understood to be sponsored by Councilman Howard Banner The cost of street lighting was cently assailed in the council by derman Robert Emrick Northampton June 19 Charles II Chase register of deeds is a candidate for reelection and will seek both the Democratic and Republican nomina tions It was learned today that Air Chase is circulating Democratic nomi nation papers This indicates that he will oppose Donald A Teahan of 22 Hooker avenue who has declared his intention of seeking the Democratic nomination for the register's office Air Chase has been without opposi tion for years having received the in dorsem*nt of both the Republican and Democratic parties DAREDEVILPERORMS ON MAIN ST ROO is called for at 8 at a moderator ot higher learnint for positions HADLEY BRIES Dorothy Russell daughter of Airs Herbert Russell of North 1 ladle)' graduated from North Adams Teach ers' college rriaay Mr and Airs Joseph dinehtei of Scarsdale week end guests of Airs Clapper's par ents Air and Mrs John Keefe The Hadley A plays the East hampton team in a Tri County league game on Hopkins field tonight Aliss Betty Smith of Keene II was the week end guest of Aliss Aliriam Searle of New Boston street has been notified by Congressman Grantield that his re appointment as the Hadley postmaster has been confirmed by the Senate as of June 12 The Young Woman's sodality of the Holy Rosary church and tile St Ce celia choir are to give Aliss Kather ine Bye a miscellaneous shower this in the churcn parlor uiss to Stan OPEN GOL TOURXEY HERE A EG US 5 An open tournament for "Western Massachusetts golfers wil Ibe staged at the Northampton Country club on August 5 This year will mark the first time over a long period that a tournev of this type has been staged at the club Benny Toski antici pates that all the leading golfers in this section of the state will compete LEADS IN GOL The Northampton Country club golf team is out in front in the Oonnectl cut Valley our Ball league with a record of' five straight victories in as many matches Holyoke is Tlajnp' nearest com pe ti tor The standing: Ware June Robert A son of Amherst was before session of tiie district court afternoon on the charge of a motor vehicle without when asked how long he Jeaves his wife Airs Hazel Pierce and a son Willis Jr operating without tiie necessary li cense he said about three years off and on Court officials had figured it up and found that Thompson had saved about by failing to be licensed over the threc year period and Judge Henry Davis fined him $8 which he paid so Thomieon was told not to try to save any expenses by fooling the state Several years ago an op erator from Pelham near Amherst was brought before the local court on the charges of operating without a license and without having his cat registered and told the officer wno ai rested him that nobody had to have licenses to operate in Pelham He also paid a fine Gordon Jones was charged with disturbing the peace on Pulaski stree Saturday night and after pleading not guilty was found guilty and paid a fine of and assessed another $5 to pay for the window that was broken during his infraction of the law I I iHHL 'WSB HHi MM BM8MMI 'kvM Bnv ON Won Lost rts Northampton 5 0 53 Holyoke 1 1 "Ai Winchendon 3 2 i Brattleboro 2 3 24 Greenfield 3 3 Amherst 0 5 12L AMATEUR LEAGUE GAMES The Veterans' hospital is due to.

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

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Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.