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Free Trial
A Publisher Extra® Newspaper
- Publication:
- The Republicani
- Location:
- Springfield, Massachusetts
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- 7
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1 15 News of the Day Chicopee WILL HAVE NEW NORTHAMPTON BREVITIES ALDENVILLE MISS LM PAGE UNIORMS OR WEDS BLAIN MEMORIAL DAY My the WARE BRIES of ths for one day off in was in airview ceme their colleges but as mixed CHICOPEE OBITUARY AGAWAM CHKOKS TURNERS ALLS for winners in the bingo con Two SEVENTH HEAVEN HIT CO EATUBE UNIVERSAL 9 Wia recrea ELECTRIC Cooking School A WEST AGAWAM ar LUDLOW CENTER fu at the Damon funeral intends to at Tonite is Silverware Nite The She and door prizes John Maley features time to Brown to tomorrow The fine and the defendant was Hampden county jail of Mr Naomi Oberheim of road As this will be a pub it is expected to be largely 8 It is make a coin mi meJting of of Ware April 26 Mrs Mathilde La pierre 95 widow of Jacques La pierre and Ware's oldest woman died Satur day night at herhome18 East street after a brief illness She was born in Canada and came to live in Ware 57 years ago and lived in the former Otis company house which she came to on her arrival in Ware She is survived by three daughters Mrs Emma Pro a and Mrs and The par Ellas St Jean Jean 84 died yesterday the home of his daugh Northampton April 26 Residents of the city have until riday to meet their poll tax bills within the time specified by law Only one third of the 6000 poll tax payers or 2100 have met the 62 assessment thus far Tax Collector Charles Warner says that he intends to take immediate steps to enforce payment rot the bills after riday sports that are to be repre by the Smith college girls are archery tennis and golf Putnam local architect and ing foods Robert Granfield? of local station will be present Jo Mc En and of on to 5 from April 26 The funeral Moriarty 56 a member DEDICATION NEW SCHOOL ROOMS TONIGHT All re local deprtment was the proposed schedule and holidays MEMORIAL DAY PLANS TO BE MDE BY LEGION ap and 4 Cast Shorts 1 West Agawam April 26 A regu lar business meeting of Star circle Companions of the orest will be held tomorrow evening in the social hall of St David church at 8 Mrs Richard Langdon of Broz ter race will entertain the members of the guild of St David church tomorrow afternoon for a business session at 2 At this time tentative plans will be made for the annual strawberry festival to be held Sat urday May 15 At the final social of the season held Saturday evening in the social hall of the church there was a large attendance The final meeting of the makers project being sponsored by the Hampden County limprove ment league will be held Wednes day afternoon at the home of Mrs Walter Campbell of Cleveland street at 130 Some ideas in home storage space will be given at this time Also at this meeting there will be a demon stration in the making of floor and furniture polishes without wax Each member of this group will' be ex pected to fill out a questionnaire as to the projects they are most inter ested in for next season Another game in the series of card parties being held in the Community building under the auspices of the West Agawam Community league will be held this evening at 8 A meeting of the Aid so ciety of the lower Memorial church will be held Thursday evening at the home of Mrs Gladys Gillan of Spring field street at 730 The second game in the seises of four card parties being sponsored by rhe eeding Hills firemen will be held Thursday evening in the hall at 8 Riley arnsworth is chairman of the committee in charge April 26 The West ern Massachusetts Past asso ciation of Odd ellows at a spring conference here yesterday voted to hold the October meeting at Palmer John Peterson of Springfield presided at the business meeting Atty Walter Stevens spoke on his experiences as referee in bankruptcy Northampton April 26 Carol Grise three year old daughter of Mr and Mrs Henry A Grise of 36 Hawley street was slightly injured Saturday afternoon when struck by a car op erated by Shomil Davis of Waterbury Ct The driver who was traveling south on Hawley street reported that the little girl came in contact with his car and was knocked down She was attended by Dr John Curran and was found to have suffered a bruise on her right knee Davis reported the mishap to Patrolman Clifford lynn and read the committal the grave in St Stanislaus The bearers all members makes love In this real life romance of New York gay and glamorous as the town itself Dick Powell and Mad eleine Carroll a combination new to musical comedy make a handsome and romantic team ably surrounded by such masters of mirth and melody as Alice aye the Ritz Brothers and George Barbier The cofeature is "Woman in Ddistress" with May Rob son Irene Hervey and Dean Jagger Selected short subjects complete the show Elias St morning at ter Mrs Leslie Isabelle 54 Watson street He was born in St Cesaire Can and had made his home in Chicopee alls for the past 55 years He leaves one son Joseph a fireman at the Cabot street station four daughters Mrs Joseph Beaudion Mrs Eugene Prairie Mrs Isabels and Miss Dora St Jean all of Chicopee alls The fu neral will be held tomorrow morning at 830 at the funeral home of Caron Son followed by solemn high mass at St church at 9 Bur ial will be in St Aloysius's cemetery Indian Orchard LAST RITES TODAY OR JOHN MORIARTY Important or those who have school this week special kiddie mat Thurs after school Both features? Wear Longer the Weldon Ware April 26 The of Stan ley Klimay of 49 Arms street Chicopee on complaint of driving so as to endanger was continued in dis trict court this morfing to 9 tomor row' morning He was released un der bail of $500 Klimay is alleged to be the driver of the machine involved in the ac cident in which Carl Archambault of Gilbertville was killed on the Palmer road Saturday night The accident happened near the Ware infirmary about 8 and was witnessed by Motor Vehicle Inspector Michael Cava naugh of Palmer MRS JOHN ZGRODNIK Mrs John Zgrodnik of 34 Elm street Hatflflld died at Dickinson hospital today after a short illness She leaves besides her husband an infant son and her mother Nirs Catherine Whalen Agawam' April A regular busi ness meeting of the Wilson Thompson post American Legion will be held this evening in the Legion rooms in tne high school building at hoped that all members will special effort to attend as a tee will be appointed at this to arrange for the observance of dhe Memorial day exercises DURAND CANDIDATE OR COMMITTEE POST Ware April Leo Durand of Pleasant street a Main street business man announces his candidacy for member of the Prudential committee of the Ware fire district at the annual meeting to be held on May 10 Mr Durand is a member of the town appropriations committee and is presi dent of the Ware Merchants associa tion The prudential committee is com posed of three members Elder Mal boeuf John Montgomery and ths' third member was the late John Moriarty whose funeral was held this morning General Contracting Repairs of all kinds specializing in roofing and sidewall shingles Estimates free WILLIAM BOISVERT 21 Nonatuck Ave Chicopee Masa Tel 309 CHILD INJURED WHEN HIT BY CAR the wife 'of and was 56 the last 20 town in 1881 AT THE WERN'ICK Chicopee April 26 With songs by Irving Berlin carrying it to New hights of swanky melody The Twentieth Century sparkling musical production is play ing at the Wernlck theater today and tomorrow with a stellar cast of en tertainers and the latest hits by the man to whose music most of the world BULLETIN ON SOCIAL SECURITY RECEIVED CIVIL ACTIONS ILED IN DISTRICT COURT Ware John the prudential committee of the Ware fire district and chairman of the Democratic town committee who died at his home 53 Eddy street Thurs day was held at the home this morn ing with a solemn high mass of re quiem at All Saints church Rev John Kenney was celebrant Rev John Doherty of Gilbertville was deacon and Rev John O'Brien was subdeacon Members of Ware council of attended the service The honorary bearers officers of the fire depart ment were John Montgomery El dor Malbeouf of the prudential com mittee Theodore Deslauriers chief of the department and Louis Char bonneau veteran fireman The ac tive bearers were Postmaster James Anderson Chief of Police Buckley Daniel Hyland Joseph Siarkiewicz rank Sinkoskl Atty Charles Martin Atty James Shea and Anthony Shea Burial was in St ceme tery ather Kenney reading prayers at the grave SERVICES TOMORROW OR MRS LAPIERRE Northampton April Dr Joseph A Slowick of Palmer filed suit for $1000 against Adam Navickas of Easthampton on the civil side of dis trict court this ntbrning alleging that the defendant converted a refigerator to his own use upon which the plain tiff held a "chattel mortgage The plaintiff says that he received the mortgage on the refrigerator from John Drawee Easthampton market man Joseph Chunglo of this city sues Albert Adams and the Pot ter Grain company of Northampton for $2000 each claiming personal in juries were suffered by him in an accident January 6 Dunham Brothers company of Brat tleboro Vt sue ranjx Cohn of this city for $1331 alleging that sum to be due on merchandise Lottie Mihalak of Northampton sues Miriam I Downey of West Springfield for $10000 claiming she suffered personal' injuries when struck by the car after alighting from ei bus at Mt Tom ebruary 2 PAST GRANDS WILL MEET AT PALMER Northampton April 26 The Sons of Legionnaires will blossom out with new uniforms soon' Comdr John Tewhill of the Northampton American Legion post announced today Newly organized the will be measured for the fiew Saturday at 1030 They will with the Legion Memorial day new raiment The boys are PLAN OR MEMBERSHIP DRIVE Northampton April 26 Postmaster Cooney this morning received the following social security bulletin: "This bureau is informed that the Social Security board is now prepared to accept account numbers applied for on a voluntary basis for employes over the age of 65 All postmasters are ac cordingly instructed to bring to the attention of 1he public the fact that they will accept properly completed forms SS 5 from all employes whether have attained the age of 65 or not This registration is strictly vol untary as far as the requirements of the social security act are VICTORIA THEATRE CHICOPEE Ludlow Center April 26 The neral of Mrs Annie Louisa (Hicks) Eldridge will be held tomorrow after noon at parlors Rev Lynne Townsend will officiate and burial will be in the Island Pond cemetery Mrs Eldridge died Saturday afternoon at her home on uller street following a linger Hinnac xnn was i Arthur Charles Eldridge years old having spent years of her life in this was born in Winchendon moved to Ludlow In 1917 Adults and young people of community last night attended illustrated lecture entitled and about Japan Colored sterceoptican slids TURNERS ALLS BRIES Nomination papers for the posts of fire district officers are being circu lated but as yet there does not seem to be any contest in sight The fire district meeting will be held on May 17 Papers must be filed with the pru dential committee before 5 on May 1 me present officers are: seph Grogan clerk John Laughlin treasurer erdinand german Clovis ournier Timothy Horrigan prudential com mittee Thomas rawley Albert Guilbault Matthew Cassidy audi tors Charles Earley chief engineer Martin Shulda first assistant en gineer and Alexis Beaubien second assistant engineer The term of Michael O'Leary water commissioner expires this year and he seek renomination The schools of Montague day for the final term of year The lower grades vest of Moxin Saskatchewan Canada Mr Victoria Mogle of Stafford Springs Ct and Miss Mary Lapierre at home two sons Joseph of Salenai and Stanislaus of Idaho '22 grand children and 14 great grandchildren! The funeral will be held tomorrow morning at Our Lady of MounCar mel church at 8 with a requirem high mass Burial will in Mount Car mel cemetery The fire warden has issued notices that there would be no more fire per mits given for outdoor fires until after a heavy rain due to the condition of the fields These orders have been sent from the state fire office Residents building fires without per mits will be prosecuted The local fire wardens have warned several resi dents of this practice and unless they heed this warning they will be brought into court At the card party held Saturday evening in the Brookside inn 21 tables of whist were in play with Miss Katherine Noone winning the grand prize and also first prize Other win ners were Melvin Ransom also first prize Mr and Mrs Alley sec ond prizes and Mrs Taylor and Whitney consolations Mrs Anna Le mere and Alley Homer Boisvert and Mrs the mystery prizes The first class of the tional project badminton classes will be held this evening in the high school gymnasium from 6 to 1030 and on Wednesday evening for the women There will be baseball and softball games every afternoon for the junior and senior boys at Robinson park and Wednesday afternoon the girls teams will play Thursday there will be the usual tap dance classes for beginners at eeding Hills 3 Springfield street school 43 0 Agawam Center school at 6 and at North Aga wam school at 730 As these instruc tions are free to the children it is ex pected all of these classes will be largely attended this week The recreational dirctors aro interested to know if the parents of children who attended the playgrounds last year are in favor of the playgrounds being opened this year If enough interest is shown arrangements will be made to have the playgrounds opened and a program made for the summer activi ties All parents are asked to get In touch with the directors or Mrs Sel wood The annual meeting of the Hamp den County council of Congregational Women will be held tomorrow at the Agawam Congregational church Mrs Jessie Goodman president will call the meeting to order at 1030 Rev Raymond Dudley will be the guest speaker and will give a talk on A dinner will be served at noon to the delegates by tho members of the Ladies Aid society of the church It is expected that approximately 200 will be present The afternoon session will istart at 230 The annual business meeting of the East Agawam Current Events club will be held Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs Mary itzgerald at 2 and in the evening the members will enjoy a barnyard whist party at the home the River lie affair attended The Agawam schools will close ri day for the annual spring vacation and will reopen for the summer term on May 10 There will be a meeting auxiliary of A at All Saints hall tonight at 745 A card tournament will follow the meeting The board of registrars of voters will hold a session at the district court room Wednesday night from 730 to 9 to enrol voters eligible to vote at the Ware fire district election to be held on May 10 The Christian Pioneers will hold a social at the Parish House of the East church riday night at 7 Tliei hos tesses are to be Mrs Ernest Rut ledge Mrs Arthur Giard and Mrs Herbert West The May luncheon of the Circle of the East church scheduled for May 4 will be omitted on account of the illness and the absence from town of several members of the com mittee It is the plan of the circle to hold something in the fall to take the i place of the May luncheon Ware lodge of Odd ellows will hold a first degree at the lodge rooms to morrow night at 730 Arcturas lodge of Warren has been invited to attend and will bring a class of candidates to take the degree The weekly play of the Lloyd Mer rill duplicate contract game will be held tonight at the Merrill home on Chestnut street at 745 Robert Somerville of 58 Park street general master mechanic on the Sixth avenue subway contract for the A A Johnson company inc in New York city was home over the week end with his family fMr Somerville expects to move his family to New York after school closes here in June The subway contract will last four years Mr Somerville was master me chanic for the West Construction com pany caisson contract at the Quabbin dike and for the Johnson company on the hydraulic fill contract at the dike Arthur Terwilliger of Ssunder land formerly of Ware and now su perintendent of construction for ths Maney company on the Sunder land bridge over the Connecticut river was in town over the weekend The weekly meeting of the Ware Rotary club was held this noon at the Hampshire house and the speaker was Captain John Somers of the United State army stationed at the Springfield armory His subject was pared ne i1 for The meet ing was in ffBargo of James A Sears Ends Tonite 2 eatures JOE BBOWS YOtJR MORE DEMANDS OR BACK PAY ARE RECEIVED ALDERMEN TO ACT ON DAYS OORPOUCE church at 9 Burial will be in St Stanislaus cemetery The funeral of Irvin Croteau was held this morning at the home of his parents Air and Mrs George Croteau of 24 Chicopee street fol lowed by services at the Church of the Assumption Rev Pierre Gauthier officiated Burial was In Calvary cemetery The funeral of Charles Pinkos was held this morning at the home 69 lorence street followed by requiem high mass at the St Stanislaus church Rev Emil Tokarz was the celebrant service at cemetery of the St Joseph society were John Guzck Jacob onfara rank Bielan ski rank Swierat rank Kudla and Ludwig rankowski Turners alls April The official dedication of the new buildings at the high school will be held tonight at 745 The exercises will be brief in or der that the public will have a chance to look over the buildings The teachers in the grammar school and the high school will be in their rooms to answer any questions There will be ushers to conduct groups through the buildings 'The program opens with a 15 minute program bythe high school band un der the direction of Charles Bickford The invocation will be given by Rev Herbert Morrell of the Congrega tional church Superintendent Joseph Keating will give the welcome speech The presentation of the keys to the auditorium and gymnasium will be given to Robert Allen chairman pf the board of selectmen and Albert Clark chairman of tho school com mittee and 'William Argy chair man of the building committee for the new additions Greetings will be given by James Reardon state commissioner of edu cation and Andrew Peterson state director of the public works adminis tration" Mr Burke principal of the high school will give a brief summary of the organization of the high school The chief speaker will be Miss Eliza beth Herlihy chairman of the state planning board Benediction will bo given by Rev John reel of St church Daily Luncheon Soup Meat Vegetables Rolls Butter Coffee 35c COCONUT GlUH frnd loor Opposite City Hall Also Group Rooms for Parties Banquets Weddings etc Chicopee April 26 A series of bingo parties will be held at St Stan islaus hall on ront street com mencing riday night This series will bo given under the auspices of the combined societies of St Stanis laus church The entire proceeds will be turned over to the Rev Lawrence Cyman pastor All such funds will be used to assist in reducing the parish debt At each of the weekly games an attractive attendance prize will be awarded In addition there will be awards tests i The funeral of Miss Bertha Zar emba of 79 Cabot street will be' heli tomorow morning at 830 at the Starzyk funeral home followed by re quiem high mass at St Stanislaus Chicopee April 26 In view of the annual spring vacation this week in the local public schools which will: bo the final vacation prior to tho an nual summer recess Superintendent Edward Lesniak of the paries and playgrounds 'announced the opening of the Lincoln grove playground to day far the duration of the spring vacation Tho play area has been placed in excellent condition and the various pieces of apparatus have been set up together with the play fields being reconditioned Tho superintendent stated that In structors were assigned to the grovethis morning and it was estimated that close to 1000 children were tak ing advantage of the opportunity to use the field The baseball and soft ball diamonds were the center of at traction while other forms of amuse ment were in full swing The only area not available for use was the tennis courts the superintendent said The grove will be closed at the end of the vacation The formal open ing all local playgrounds will prob ably take place the latter part of next month group outfits march in the being given marching practice under the di rection of Dunn and Bren nan 600 16 1st line guaranteed 12 months in writing Each JANAS TIRE SERVICE 291 RONT ST CHICOPEE None to Dealers City Auditor Refuses Money Unless Ordered by Court Wm chuopee Vt falls MON TUX "ON THE AVENUE" Dick Powell Carroll A aye "Woman in May Hobson Irene Hervey Sons of Legionnaires to Bios som Out in Attractive Raiment the an in Rood hall were shown by Miss Leia Wright while Rev Lynno Townsend explained each scene The pictures showed the terrain of the different islands the colorful costumes of the natives and the mission schools of the Congrega tional church The lecture was given as a travel talk and told of the mod ern trends in Japan as compared to the old methods of agriculture and manufacture Holding the center of interest in the talk was the work be inc done bv the mission schools meeting was arranged by Miss Vir ginia Dostal chairman of the mis sionary society of the Christian En deavor society of the irst church and was the third in a series of monthly missionary meetings for the presentation of guest speakers The group recently heard Rev Emmons White' of the Second Congregational church of Palmer former missionary in southern India 69 Delivery The spring sale of the irst Con gregational church will be held at the church parlor riday from 11 A turkey dinner will be served 1130 to 2 Dr Lin Yutang author of Country and My will speak at Smith college Monday May 10 The subject of his lecture will be "The Chinese way of It will be open to the public Mrs Laura Scales warden of college will be the speaker at a meeting of the Mothers' Auxiliary club of the New York Smith club to morrow Mrs Scales will discuss the life of the students at Smith describing the student government extra curricular activities and life in the college houses The Auxiliary of the New York Smith club is composed of mothers of students now at Smith and was formed with the purpose of keeping the parents In closer touch with their college interests and environment Membership termi nates with the graduation George deSantillana PhD pro fessor at the New School of Social Research in New York city will de liver two lectures at Smith college on riday Profssor deSantillana will speak in Italian at 5 in Graham hall on the subject Galilei il para dosso della civilita This lec ture will sponsored by tho Smith col lege department of Italian In the evening Professor deSantil lana will speak on and imag at 8 o'clock in Graham hall This lecture will be delivered in Eng lish Both lectures will be open to the public Smith college has been Invited to at tend a of Wellesley col lege to be held on Saturday May 1 at Wellesley Other coleges that will at tend are Mount Holyoke and Pem broke It is to be a day not of intercolle giate competition but of individual sports The girls from the different colleges will be mixed into teams and will compete not as representatives trom tea ms The sented riding Karl assistant professor in the department of architecture at Smith college will be the guest speaker at the regular meeting of 'the Betty Allen chapter A in the chapter house on South street Tuesday afternoon Speaking on the A house's family tree" Mr Putnam wilbtell the history of the old colonial structure Mrs rank A Brandie regent will preside and will tell about the Na tional Congress of the A which she attended in Washington this week The Northampton circle Daughters of Isabella will hold Its April social tomorrow night at 8 In their club rooms Aubrey Butler of the firm of Butler and Ullman will be the guest speaker and will present an illustrated talk on the growing of Hadley roses A special business meet ing of the circle will be held at 715 for the purpose of obligating new candidates for membership The City club will hold its April supper and business meeting tomorrow night at 615 in the club rooms in the James house Mrs Jiberte Brassford recently elec ted chairman of the depart ment of the Community is gen eral chairman of the committee on arrangements for a card party which that department will conduct tomor row night at 8 in the The Bay State Athletic association will meet tonight at 730 in the Bay State school to make plans for the opening of the baseball season which takes place next Sunday afternoon A description of the work of wanis will be given by Clarence Abbott of the Springfield Kiwanis club at the regular meeting tonight in Hotel Northampton of the local organization Mr Abbott is chair man of the international committee on boys and girls work Professor Brewer Whitmore of the department of government at Smith college will speak on the sub ject "Proportional representation" ata meeting of the Women's Republican club to be held Thursday afternoon at 3 in the home of 'Mrs ranklin King Jr of 36 Ward avenue A benefit bridge party will be the opening social event of the season at the Northampton Country club The party will be held Wednesday at 230 at the clubhouse and the proceeds will be used toward the purchase of out door grills for the club Mrs Charles A Gleason heads the hospitality com mittee In charge of the affair The Northamptin Quota club will hold a dinner meeting tonight at 630 in the Grace Mullen Tea room in West Hatfield Mrs Charles Lathrop police woman of Springfield will speak Aloha guild of Edwards Congrega tional church will hold a supper bridge party tomorrow night at 630 in the church parlors Mrs Manning is chairman of tne committee on rangements THE SPRINGIELD DAILY NEWS SPRINGIELD MASS: MONDAY APRIL 26 1937 Chicopee April 26 A demonstra tion of modern cooking and prepara tion of food will be given at the mu nicipal electric light auditorium on ront street tomorrow afternoon at 2 under the direction of Miss Mar guerite Skoken home economist rep resenting Landers rary and Clark of New Britain Ct The public is in vited to attend and the foods and regular meals cooked at the demon stration will be served The demonstration will include oven and steam cooked dinners in addition to modern methods of fry ing foods Robert Granfield of the Stanley Klimay Will Be Heard In District Court Tomorrow Carl Swansoin Carl Swanson 30 died suddenly yes terday at his home 3 4 Canal street Chicopee He was born in Proctor Y't and had lived in Chicopee 20 yeprs Mr Swanson leaves his parents Mr and Mrs Charles Swanson orotner uustave or Westfield four sisters Mrs Edith Trask Eva McKenzie and Misses Elsie Ruth Swanson all of Chicopee funeral will be held at the Grise lors Wednesday afternoon at Burial will be In airview cemetery! The funeral of Mrs Malvina Nielsen of 53 Cabot street Chicopee was held yesterday afternoon at 2 at the Grise parlors Rev Edgar Brown officiat ing Burial tery Conducted by Miss Marguerite Skokon Universal Home Economist Electric Light Auditorium ront St Tuesday April 27th Administration Change in Page und and Licenses to Be Discussed Tonight opened to the school have only seven more weeks of school but the high school has nine Miss Enid Morgan daughter of Mr and Mrs William Morgan of Stevens street has been chosen contributing editor of the for the coming year She has been active on the school paper while in college She has held the positions of technical editor and literary editor Mr and Mrs red Turner of Mar shall street will move to Ayer about the middle of May Mr Turner is thelocal Boston Maine station 'agent and his position in Ayer will be similar to that he now holds No successor has been named as yet Tonight at 8 in the Masonic hall at Greenfield a supper given by Galilean Shrine the White Shrine of Jerusa lem The officers will be installed by the following: Sojourner Addie Crown District Deputy Supreme Wor thy High Priestess assisted by So jourenr Alta lat supreme worthy guide Sojourner West past worthy high priestess Sojourner Jelen St Cyre past worthy high priestess: Sojourner Mary Nevery soloist: Sojourner Ivy Wood organ ist rederick Turner watchman of shephards elect and Ida Turner worhty high priestess elect both from Turners alls Mr and Mrs Turner will leave for Tulsa Oklahoma on May 1 to attend the Supreme White session Alden April 26 The marriage of Miss Loretta Marie Page daughter of Mr and Mrs Edward Page of 17 Trilby avenue to Raymond Blain of 15 Baltic avenue son' of Mr and Mrs Mose Blain of New Haven Ct formerly of Aldenville took place Sat urday morning with high mass in the St Rose de Lima church Rev John Latmothe pastor performed the cere mony using the single ring service Miss Clarinthe Benoit organist played the processional and recessional marches fpom accom panied by two violinists Genard Page and an uncle Arcade Page of Chico pee Nirs reda Lavoie of Williman sett sang at the offertory The senior choir of the church sang the high mass Miss Doris Paquette of Chicopee served the bride as her only attendant while Raymond Page brother of the bride served as best man The bride wore a gown of lace in princess style with a full length train Her veil was arranged in coronet fashion She carried a bouquet of gar denias and lillies of the valley Miss Paquette was attired in a gown of chartereuse taffeta with matching ac cessories She carried a bouquet of sweet peas Mrs Blain the mother wore a blue chiffon gown with blue accessories Mrs Page wore a gown of black and white chiffon with matching accessories A reception was held at: the Quoit club after the ceremony with more than 150 attending The gift to her attendant was an emerald birth stone ring while the groom presented his attendant with a lounging robe The couple left on a wedding trip to New Rork city or her going away costume the 'bride wore a gray dress blue coat and matching accessories Upon their return they will make their home at 17 Trilby avenue where they will be at home to friends after May 7 Airs Blain was born in Chicopee and was graduated from the Assumption school and Cathedral high school of Springfield She is now employed by the Spalding company Mr Blain 'was born in Aldenville and attended the Chicopee schools He is employed by the Stevens Arms company in Chico pee alls Guests were present from Ct and Tomorrow WedM Thurs SIMONE SIMON In the role she was born td play Diane who! was afraid to be lieve in happiness JAMES STEWART As the valiant Chico whose love lifted her to the stars! ST STANISLAUS BINGO STARTS RIDAY AT THE RIVOLI Chicopee April 26 Two will be shown for the last night at the Rivoli theater Your Birthdav?" with Joe and the cofeature Take with Bruce Cabot and Margaret Lind say Short subjects complete the pro gra The tenderest Romance of our time lives again on the screen when "Sev enth the Twentieth Century ox production of Austin im mortal love story which will be shown tomorrow Wednesday and Thursday at the Rivoli with Simone Simon and James Stewart in the star ring roles Adapted from the stage play produced and directed 'by John Golden recreates for screen audiences that star crossed pair of Montmarte Diane and Chico two lovers who lift your heart to the stars The cofeature is Booth Tar "Penrod and starring Billy Mauch Short subjects complete the program HADLEY BRIES Miss Bertha Montague former prin cipal of Hooker school who retired last June has returned from lorida where she spent the winter and iswith friends for several weeks A meeting of the North Hadley 4 Tip Top Sewers was held recently and reports were heard of the tent caterpillar campaign The club mem bers have collected 6000 nests Mrs Aaron ScoW tho leader of the club served the rnembers refreshments Hope Grange has invited the Hunt ington and Amherst Granges to a night at the Hope Grange meeting tonight Miss Marion Bak daughter of Mr and Mrs Geo Bak of Middle street a nurse at the Lenox Hill hospital in New York was recently a guest of Miss Rita Pelissicr at Washington Miss Pelissier is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Louis Pelissier of Spruce Hill and is a clerk in the de partment of labor in Washington The Christian Doctrine class will be held this evening at the St church at 630 Booth Most Beloved Story a treat for young and old! "PENROD SAM" With BILLY MAUCH (Young Anthony Adverse) Your Clothe Will Look Better eel Better and If Cleaned by Method All Plain Garments ree Call and RIVOLI Cleaners Dyers 45 Springfield St Tel Chic 9 Northamptori 26 Apparently believing that the "storm had blown as has been the case in the past operators of pin ball machines sought to reintroduce them into the city over the weekend Learning of the reappearance of the gambling de vices Mayor Charles Dunn cracked down once more and the machines were withdrawn from circulation The machines are to stay the mayor says RIDAY LAST DAY TO PAY POLL TAXES Chicopee April 26 As a result of the paid recently to Arthur Duart on an order is sued by the court a number of calls have been rceived by City Auditor Sebastian Kordas in similar sit tiations involving other former city employes The city auditor has re fused payment however on the de mands made on the grounds that he has no authority to pay up on over due wages unless he is ordered to do so by the court Thesd overdue vacation wages date back to 1933 Mr Duart a candidate for mayor in the coming city elec tion together with about 40 other former employes made vigorous pro test at the time the wages in ques tion were not paid Up to date he is the only individual who lias re ceived full payment The others having wages due may eventually be paid but the city audi tor will make no payments until he is legally ordered to do so No ap propriation is made to cover an Ex pense of this character but any such legal claims are paid when compulsory and the item is figured in the tax levy 'by the board of assessors the auditor said LINCOLN PLAYGROUND OPENED OR WEEK CHICOPEE DRIVER IN ATAL CRASH HELD IN $500 BAIL Chicopee! April The board aidermen will meet tonight to act two ordinances ono regulating the days off In the police department and the seconl providing for a complete change in the system governing the administration of the Page scholar ship fund and in qddition the board will take action on a number of plications for peddler junk pool dance licenses 1 The maioritv of members of police department favored the extra day off as provided in legislation taken this year the action however not being compulsory The adjust ment gives the police department the' opportunity of taking off one day in every seven while in the past the schedule called every eight At first the not in favor of in view of Sundays However after a discussion it was agreed by tho majority of officers that it would be wise to adopt the day off in every seven The second ordinance dealing with the Page fund provides for the ap pointment of a board of trustees by the mayor the board to have com plete control of the administration of the fund At the present Preston Pond agent for the fund and has complete jurisdiction in its adminis tration Mayor Anthony Stonina indicated that in the event of a change as recommended by Atty Gen Paul Dever he would desig nate Mr Pond as chairman of the board of trustees In view of the ex cellent manner in which he has per formed his duties City Clerk Charles LaRiviere stated that approximately 55 applica tions for licenses will be acted on by the board Last year 94 licenses were granted OOD DEMONSTRATION HERE TOMORROW May 31 in the Nativity church bride elect was presented a floor lamp and a corsage of roses and sweet peas There were four ta bles in play with high honor prizes being awarded Mrs Irene Martin and Mrs Blanche Begley hostess served luncheon Over 20 guests at tended The League of the Sacred Heart wdll hold an important meeting to night at the Joan of Arc auditorium All members are requested to at tend Mr and Mrs Alfred Abrahams and family of Columbia avenue motored to Boston oyer the weekend where they visited friends and relatives Mr and Mrs Walter Hess and fam ily of Chicopee motored to Boston on a pleasure trip yesterday Northampton April 26 Peter oley heads a committee which is in charge of a membership campaign planned by Northampton council Knights of Columbus Other members of the com mittee are John Carlon Dr John Curran Zagroduick Edward O'Dpa Edward Bouchard Raymond Berniert Edward Sullivan Daniel Doyle Hayes Robert itzgerald John Sullivan John Mahoney John Brick Charles Henchey John O'Con nor Atty John Thomas lynn John Gregg and Ambrose Gagnon PINBALL MACHINES TO STAY OUT SAYS MAYOR of Landeis rary Clark of New Britain CHICOPEE BRIES drunks were arraigned before Judge John Kirby in district court today and a fine of $10 was imposed in one case while the second case was continued was not paid committed to Springfield The Collegian Cafe baseball team will report for practice at the Sand Hill aiamond tomorrow night players on last team are quested to be present ormer Aiderman 'Matthew Kearns of 263 Grattan street Chico pee alls is at his home recovering from a recent operation The Thursday niht sessions for the registration of new voters will be omitted in the future commencing this week according to Clerk John Jamrog 2 Public Inyited Many Pay Respects at the uneral of Local Civic Leader pee alls Wilmington Del New Haven Canada Springfield Holyoke Chicopee aldenville briefs The yeekly amateur and movie show will be held tomorrow evening at the Joan of Arc auditorium MrsA Mongeon of Canada is vis iting relatives here Mr and Mrs Lavallee also of Canada are visiting friends here More than 20 boys will be initiated as tenderfoot Scouts at the court of honor in May Miss Lucienne Boldus of Sheperd street was guest of honor at a pre nuptial party given recently by her mother Mrs Ouila Bolduc About 80 guests were at the affair held in Puloski hall Miss Bolduc was showered with miscellaneous gifts Games were played and music was enjoyed with Miss Evelyn Tremblay at the piano A buffet luncheon was served Miss Bolduc will wed Clar ence Labrecque of Catherine street at the Nativity church on May 22 Mrs Alphonse Beauregard of John street has returned after a stay with relatives in New Haven The Children of Mary minstrel re hearsal will be held tonight at the Joan of Arc auditorium Miss Eva Terrien of John street entertained a group of friends at bridge recently in honor of MissGeneva Roy of John street whose marriage to Sylvio Desroches of Yvonne street will be an event of The Mat 2 Eves 7:15 Continuous Sundays and Holidays 1PM NOW SHOWING CITY With Charles Starrett and Donald Grayson Plus i with Virginia Bruce and Melvyn Douglas i 1st 8 8ioC 6iO 6 a fl.
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