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- Publication:
- The Republicani
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- Springfield, Massachusetts
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CHAIRMAN BELLAMY GIVES HIS GRATITUDE Head of Community Chest in Statement of Deep Appreciation A statement of appreciation and gratitude to the for its generous support of the Community Chest campaign was issued by Charles Bellamy campaign chairman this morning Mr Bellamy said: 'With the close of the 1931 Com munity Chest campaign I wish to ex press through the medium of the press the sincere appreciation of the campaign leaders for the splendid assistance rendered to the Chest by thousands in the community We are grateful to those who worked so successfully to spread knowledge throughout the community concerning the human needs of our people and the service of the Chest in meeting these needs are most appreciative of the splendid spirit and the tireless efforts of the army of 2500 campaign work ers who so willingly gave their time their energies their money to bring the campaign to such a successful close "We are grateful to those employes in the industries of the community who worked so efficiently for the cam paign and who will continue to give their services to the chest throughout the year "And above all we thank the givers of the community for their extremely generous response particularly as they rallied to the support of the Community Chest when disastrous failure threatened with only four days to go True we failed of our goal but this failure was robbed of its menac ing aspect when last minute sacrifice on the part of givers and solicitors alike brought the total well above last year and close enough to the sought for goal to permit Chest agencies to function acceptably if not quite at their SCHEDULE OR MAILING TO DISTANT POINTS Christmas mail for distant points must be set in motion early if it is to" reach its destination on time ac cording to advices by local postal officials A mailing schedule for sev eral remote places was issued at the Springfield postoffice today Letters postcards and newspapers should reach Atlantic or Pacific ports not later than the following dates in order to be delievered by Christmas to the following countries: rom New York Liberia November 24 Mozam bique November 23 from Pacific ports Australia November 21 Neth erlands East Indies Straits Settle ments and Siam November 24 ive days should be allowed from Spring field to Pacific coast ports All parcels should bo mailed as early as possible as it is not possible to state when parcel post packages will be delivered due to custom for malities that must be complied with before actual delivery is made DIED DALEY At Springfield hospital 14th Mrs Mary Daley widow of Simon Daley uneral at the Broughall funeral par lors SIM Chestnut street Saturday at 845 a High mass of requiem at Sacred Heart church at 9 a riends Invited ILLMORE At Los Angeles Cal 10th Willard illmore of Palmer uneral service at Ballantyne funeral home Palmer Sunday at 2 In this city 15th Mrs Sadie Ganson GO of 36 Riverview street uneral services at funeral home 684 State street Saturday at 3 Burial in Oak Grove cemetery In this city 15th Mrs Mary A Harrington widow of the late Daniel Harrington uneral at the home 168 El Paso street Monday time to be an Pounced riends invited Sampson service' In this city J5th George A Hubbard 57 of 49 Keith street uneral service at Graham's funeral parlors 37 30 Howard street Saturday at 2 Burial in oak Grove cemetery At Holyoke 14th Mrs Anna (Hollman) Keating wife of Edward Keating of 126S Montgomery street Willimansett Service at Janies Robert Sons funeral home Saturday at 8 a with solemn high mass of requiem in Church of the NativityWillimansett at 830 a Burial in Cal vary cemetery Holyoke KENERSON The 16th Daisle (Perkins) Kenerson 66 of 63 Wolcott avenue West Springfield uneral at the parlors of Snow Son Winchendon Sunday at 2 Mrs Kenerson may be seen at the parlors of Dickinson Streeter company 305 37 State street Springfield until 9 a Sunday MURPHY In this city loth Nicholas Murphy of 8 Terrence street iSineral in the funeral home Saturday morning at 815 Solemn high mass of requiem at St cathedral at 9 Burial in St Mi chad's cemetery In this city 14th Mar garet (McMahon Patterson widow of Austin Patterson formerly of Monson at her home 29 Hanco*ck street uneral from the Russell funeral home 933 State street Saturday morning at 8 followed by a solemn high mass at Holy amily church at 9 Burial in Bethany cemetery Monson riends Invited In this city 15th Charles 03 uneral service at the home 93 Bowdoln street Saturday at 230 Bur ial in Springfield cemetery A Byron fu neral director uneral private At Chicopee 14th Mrs Ellen Slattery of 351 Hampden street uneral at the home Saturday at 830 a fol lowed by solemn requiem high mass at Holy Name church at 9 a Burial in Calvary cemetery Charles Haggerty funeral director WILLIAMS At Longmeadow loth red Allen Williams 41 of G1 Dover road Long meadow uneral service at the home Sat urHay at 230 in Burial In Hillcrest Park cemetery uneral arrangements in charge of Graham funeral service IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of Mrs Anna Mao Gor Ki'man Bailey who passed away two years ago today November 16 1032 Sot dead to us who loved her Not lost but gone before She hveth in our memory And will forevermore Christ shall clasp the broken chain A Closer when we meet again 1 THE GORMAN AMILY CARD THANKS We wish to extend sincere thanks to ourfriends relatives members of the West Springfield welfare department town hall associates Association Canado Amerlcainend Ligue des for the beautiful flowers and their kindness and sympathy shown us during our recent bereavement MRS EMMA II UDON and amily GLEASON UNERAL HOME Established in 188V Tel 2 6411 2705 Main St Beauty That Broadcasting every Sunday evening at 1000 ovev WMAS Send for Our Book of Poem 37 HOWARD STREET Springfield Mass CARD THANKS We wish to thunk our friends neighbors relative the assessors' office Mr and Mrs John Lauer and employes of the Lauer mar ket for their kindness sympathy and floral tributes extended to us during our recent bereavement MRS RANK MAS KO and amily THOMAS SAMPSON SONS 730 STATU ST TEL 551L BRIGHTSIDE CHOIR TO BE PROGRAM EATURE The Brightside boys choir of 33 voices will be heard in a special pro gram at the annual concert and dance for the benefit of Brightside at the auditorium next riday night "Dear the school song: Jlinstrel and Little will be among the pieces rendered by the choir A final meeting of the concert committee will be held Monday night at Brightside when the list of patrons and patronesses will be closed All chairmen and committee members are urged to attend The ticket sale for the concert has been very large this year indicating a successful affair POllClTERRORS AT BOSTON ARE EMBARRASSING Local Motorists Complain Against Mistakes in Auto Tagging Inaccuracy on teh part of Boston police officers in tagging motor vehi cles for parking violations under the new non fix system of five day sum monses was obviously demonstrated again when a local woman walked into the traffic bureau with a summons she received by registered mail requiring her appearance in the municipal court of Boston within five days to make a cash settlement for a parking violation of which she con tends she is not guilty The woman Airs lorence Ridgway appealed to Capt Thomas Moriarty head of the traffic bureau for advice as to what steps to pursue to prove her innocence and to convince the Boston police and court authorities that there has been a mistake She asserted that she has not been to Bos ton in seven or eight years and that she has not allowed anyone else to use her automobile Unless the summons is attended to within the stipulated five days the woman will be subjected to the service of a warrant requiring her arrest and appearance in the Boston court to face a criminal complaint of violating the parking rules In addition to that she will have her license revoked the registrar of motor vehicles Capt Moriarty was at a loss to sug gest a procedure to follow other than a trip to Boston to explain the ap parent error but advised taking the matter up with Representative Ray mond who might be in a position to aid her by bringing the mistake to the atention of the proper authorities before it is too late Other similar errors on the part of Boston officers in jotting down registration numbers have involved local motorists since the law went into effect Octo ber 1 MUSICAL REVUE TO BE PRESENTED BY ST THOMAS CHORAL CLUB Eudore Choquette to Direct 1 Novel Affair at the Auditorium Eudore Choquette organist of St Thomas Aquinas church in the North end and teacher of voice in this city and Holyoke has again been selected to direct the musical revue of 1934 to be given by St Thomas Choral club staged at the Auditorium the night of the 20th Rehearsals have been in progress for several weeks with mem bers of the church choral taking part in the ensemble numbers Mr Cho quette has spared nothing to assure the success of the event and this promises to be a musical treat of the season Loretta Boyer pianist of reputation IIP EUDORE CHOQUETTE and wide experience in orchestral work who assisted Mr Choquette the last two seasons will again be in charge of the music and help in directing The 1934 will be in the line of a specialty show includ ing excerpts of the musical comedy also the opera dance and musical specialty and col onial acts As the closing number the gyspy scene from Victor will be done in cos tume Among the features of the per formance will be a hoop drill in which 40 children of the parish school will take part One of the outstanding fea tures will be the dance of Leo and Rita own which was Keith's headliner for several seasons It is pointed out in connection with the forthcoming musical revue that its sponsors have made its appeal ns broad as the field of music itselt and and hearty response from the public is anticipated THE WEATHER Boston Nov 16 Weather fore cast: Massachusetts and Rhode Island air tonight and Saturday Somewhat warmer Saturday Boston and vicinity air slight temperature change to night Saturday fair and some what warmer becoming cloudy during Saturday night Gentle tp moderate northwest winds becom ing southerly 8 a temperatures: Boston 38 New York 42 Washington 30 Jacksonville 42 St Louis 44 New Orleans 56 Chicago 46 St Paul 42: Denver 42 Kansas City 52 Salt Hake City 30 San rancisco 52 Portland Ore 42 THE SPRINGIELD NEWS: SPRINGIELD MASS: RIDAY NOVEMBER 101934 $311754 SUM IS PLEDGED TO THE CHEST Is $10754 Over Last Quota Was $333000 The 1934 Community Chest cam paign closed last night with a final checkup showing contributions total ing $311751 Annoucement of the total made at a general meeting of Chest leaders and workers at the Hotel Kim ball was received with genuine en thusiasm representing: as it does an increase of $10754 over the amount raised last year The quota for the year was $333000 Despite the failure to go the in view of general conditions the results of the drive were considered a big success and the division leaders and campaign workers were warmly commended for their efforts The final rally was attended by 40 more persons than were present at the 1933 windup meeting necessitating extra tables in the hotel lobby to take care of the overflow Announcement was made that Atty Dewitt Mallary will head the Chest drive as general chairman next year Oother members of the 1935 campaign organization are: Chairman of the army Mrs James A Seaman chairman of men's army Raymond Shuttuck chairman of industrial divi sion James Shea chairman of cor poration committee George Bulk ley chairman of special gifts com mittee Harry isk chairman of guests committee for final meeting Mrs A Carter Highlights of last final roundup were the reports showing marked increases over last contributions by the special gifts com mittee the corporation committee and the industrial division Harry isk chairman of the special gifts division reported that his group obtained dona tions exceeding last total by $2256 and an anonymous contribution of $1000 was received almost at the 11th hour Of the contributors to this division 34 per cent gave increases over 1933 George Bulkley chairman of the corporations division reported that 142 corporations contributed this year as against 119 last year and the total was $54022 as compared with $51000 in 1933 This total placed the corpora tions division well over its quota The industrial division with McLaughlin as chairman reported a 25 per cent increase In its quota over last year One of the best showings in this division was made by the Westinghouse employes where 3274 employes representing 91 per cent of the total personnel of 3597 made con tributions Robert Brown one of the campaign workers reported that the Westinghouse employes had for the most part selected the 52 week plan for their donations The iberloid corporation was an other unit of this division to exceed its quota Telephone company em ployes also exceeded their quota of $23000 while the municipal division reported an increase of 13 per cent over last year A special feature of the meeting was the gift of a pedigreed wire haired terrier by team 215 The brought $50 at an auction and this sum was added to the total raised in the campaign was do nated by Miss Ellery Loomis of 55 Marengo park and the successful bid der was Raymond eist Leo Woedtke presided at the auction Announcement of the results of the campaign was made in a special broadcast over station WMAS at 845 with Atty Mallary the 1935 chairman appearing before the microphone rep resenting Charles Bellamy the re tiring general chairman Other speak ers were Mrs Lockwood chair man of the educational divi sion McLaughlin chairman of the industrial division: Eliot Wight chairman of the public information commttee and John Shuart for mer campaign chairman With all the returns in the final meeting was given over to congrat ulatory talks by campaign leaders and workers and others who had assisted in the drive Miss Julia Sanderson and rank Crumit radio stars who gave two broadcasts In behalf of the campaign the past week were given an enthusiastic reception after brief talks congratulating the workers on the success of the drive Other speak ers were Harry isk Mrs A Carter George Bulkley Clifford Castle president of the Community Chest and red Stephenson executive secretary DRILL COMPETITION PROMISES TO BE KEEN Will Be eature of I A Vets Affair Thanksgiving Night Much interest is being manifested in the competitive military drill be tween Cos A and of the 104th regi ment Massachusetts national guard and Co 12th fleet division United States naval reserve which will take place on Thanksgiving night at Melha Temple hall at the dance sponsored by the I A association The veterans will present a silver cup to the winning company The cup is now on display in the window of Sir a ft 'A IK BRIAN LONG jewelry store The judges i of the drill will be composed of officers of the army and navy The commit tee of which Brian Long is chair man Is working strenuously to make the affair the most successful event of the season Inquiries have been coming in to the committee from towns and cities throughout the valley including Hart ford Northampton and Worcester Springfield and Longmeadow Police Jump Into Action On Story of Alleged Kidnaping Longmeadow Cruiser Sees Girl Being Whisked Scream ing Into Connecticut Machine and Chase ollows With Result That Car Gets Away Prospects of a kidnaping on Long meadow street in Longmeadow early' this afternoon put the police depart ments of that town and this city and nearby communities into action in an effort to run down the Connecticut registered car bearing the supposed kidnapers before 1245 a Long meadow cruising officer excitedly tel ephoned to police headquarters here that a small girl had been whisked into an automobile apparently against her will because she was fighting and screaming and had been driven away after an unsuccessful attempt had been made by two Longmeadow offi cers in a cruising car to stop the car The Longmeadow officer in report ing the matter gave local police a description of the automobile as a Pontiac coach bearing the Connecti cut registration IL 980 As soon as word was relayed to the detective bu reau by Patrolman Newman Sher man who was operating the switch board the registration number of the car was flashed over the teletype by Sergt rancis Gallagher of the de tective bureau and all local patrol men motorcycle officers and cruising cars were notified to Intercept the machine which was headed in the di rection of this city after eluding the Longmeadow cruisers rom what meager information was available the Longmeadow officers were cruising along Longmeadow street when they observed the strange actions of a man trying to force the little girl into his machine The child was screaming and appear ed to be using force to prevent her from being taken away The officers speeded up and as they came along side the machine the driver started up and increased the speed so rapidly that he quickly outdistanced the of ficers who then hastened to a tele phone to sound the alarm It was said that two men occupied the machine Bitterness in Various ields Over Betting on Horse Racing And Dog Races in This Vicinity Ministers to Take Up at Next Meeting Labor Especial ly Opposed to Canine Races Aviation ollowers Against the Use of Bowles Airport A post referendum fight against horse and dog race betting in this vicinity looms as a probability it was Indicated today when opposition sentiment was expressed among clergy organized and aviation followers the latter objecting to the suggested use of the Bowles Agawam airport as racing grounds An organized movement opposed to parimutuel betting will be continued by the Springfield associa tion whose president Rev Joseph Belcher declared today that he will bring the matter before the associa next meeting the first Monday in December John Gatelee speaking against dog race betting which he opposed before the election indicated that or ganized labor looks with disfavor upon th eestablishment of such form of gambling in this vicinity The objection does not extend to horse race betting however Aviation followers unorganized ex pressed individual opinions opposed to sacrificing the Agawam air terminal station of the American airlines to a horse race track The as sociation is likewise expected to wage strenuous effort in opposition to the use of the airport for such purposes Webster Will Confer With the Chairman of ABC Commission On Slot Machine Regulations Chairman Harry Webster of the license commission intends to confer tomorrow with Chairman William Hayes of the state alcoholic beverages commission relative to the slot ma chine regulations and especially in re gard to the status of the pinball game which have been ruled out here by orders of the police department Chair man Hayes has consistently refused to give an opinion bn the pinball game issue and it is understood that Atty Gen Joseph Warner has re fused to' do so The question of legal ity of the pinball devices will be de termined in a' test case in the courts according to the present indications Springfield Is the only place where the pinball machines have been barred it was learned today An oral opin ion was given Chairman Webster to day by Assistant City Solicitor Sam uel ein to the effect that ma chines used strictly for vending are 'allowable while the slot machines carrying the element of chance and the pinball machines are out A for mal opinion will later be given no ac tion to be taken by the license board until that is done Chairman Hayes of the state board was queried today as to the pinball machine question While refusing to give an opinion he suggested that any dealers receiving the notices from the police department should comply with the orders as given taking no chance on being sustained by the state com mission in any action ignoring the ac tion of the local authorities Pinball machines may be used with out betting upon the results and in a way perhaps not contrary to the pur poses of the new license regulations As a matter of fact the machines are generally used in a way involving the element of chance with the result that they are barred by police orders here More Killed and Injured In 10 Months in Local Area Than In Any Previous 12 Months More people were killed and injured in automobile accidents in the area covered by the Springfield Safety council during the first 10 months of this year than in the entire 12 months of any of the three previous years it is revealed in statistics compiled and released today by Ralph Ellis Jr manager of the safety council The report which includes Spring field Chicopee West Springfield Aga wam Longmeadow East Longmead ow Wilbraham and Ludlow shows that 47 fatalities occurred in this area up 0 November 1 compared with to tals of 43 46 and 34 respectively in the years 1931 1932 and 1933 There were 1682 persons injured in this area during the first 10 months of this year compared with totals of 1414 1527 and 1624 for the three previous years The record for the cities and towns in this area is as follows: ATALITIES uary 1 to November 1 1934 1931 1932 1933 1934 Springfield 19 19 18 17 Agawam 5 3 i 6 Chicopee 4 7 'll 9 West Springfield 4 7 2 4 Longmeadow 1 1 1 2 East Longmeadow 1 3 Wilbraham 5 5 2 6 Ludlow 4 1 3 Total 43 46 34 47 INJURIES 1931 1932 1933 1934 Springfield 932 995 1069 1131 Agawam 37 47 41 44 Chicopee 273 229 261 220 West Springfield 112 168 154 185 Longmeadow 9 16 9 19 East Longmeadow 12 17 17 10 Wilbraham 29 37 42 34 Ludlow 10 18 31 40 Total 1414 1527 1624 1683 Note: These figures are from Jan ALL RIGHT CIVIC CLUB TO MEET TONIGHT The All Right Civic club of Liberty Hights will hold a meeting tonight at 730 Business of importance to the members will be acted upon BALL GIVEN UP 18 YEARS AGO TO BE RESUMED Relief Association to Sponsor New Eve Affair After a lapse of 18 years from a program which previously had been Carried out annually for a long period of years the Springfield iremen's Mu tual Relief association has decided to have concert and ball in the Audi torium on the night of December 31 District Chief Horace eltham is chairman of the general committee which will consist of representatives of each company in the department The complete list of committees will soon be made up The association has held none of these functions since 1916 although they were held every year until then from the date of organization in 1858 Proceeds as raised were set aside as a permanent fund the income being used from year to year for the relief of sick and disabled members whose condition resulted from duties in the department unds now available from the in come of investments' are now so low that it is considered advisable to re sume the former custom A meeting of the committees soon be held to make further arrangements PRICKED TO VICTORY Budapest Sandor Bardos wrestler has had a needle embedded in his el bow for two years It has caused him much pain and now he has had to have it removed But he is far 'from jubilant the needle pricked he says "I always wrestled fiercely so that I could defeat my op ponent quickly and then rest my JUNIOR NEWS MEMBERSHIP BLANK Three of These Blanks Entitle Boys and Girls to Membership in Junior Daily Newa Young Club and Pin Name Street 'wraeHewk' Qty or Town Ddtc Birtll a owo oooooo wAffO eooowte ASKS $20000 OR AECTIONS HIS WIE Maurice A Lowe Brings Action Against Bellows alls Lumber Man Maurice A Lowe of this city well known vaudeville booking agent has brought suit against Harold A Hatch of Bellows alls Vt prominent lum ber man seeking $20000 for alleged alienation of affections of his wife The Lowes were divorced here last July Hatch was arrested yesterday at Bellows alls by Deputy Sheriff Jones of Putney and was bailed by Harold Mathers of that town The complaint set up that Lowe and Esther rench were married in Augusta Me March 1 1923 and lived together until April 23 of this year It is alleged that the defendant unlawfully and wickedly intending to Injure the plaintiff on June 1 1930 at Springfield and at other times and places wrongfully visited and persuad ed Mrs Lowe corrupted her mind and alienated her affections The trial will be in Windham county court at New fane Vt OPlNiOPTON MOOT ISSUE COMING SOON Law Department Looking Into Matter of Licenses to Sell Denatured Alcohol Assistant City Solicitor Samuel ein is looking into the legal require ments concerning the granting of li censes to store and sell denatured al cohol as affected by the new regula tions as now in effect by order of the state alcoholic beverages commission and with the approval of the governor and council The point has been raised that the licenses should now be issued by the license board instead of the department of public health as in the past It is also contended that the fire department acting for the board of aidermen will have to pass upon these licenses Mr ein is inclined to the belief that if the denatured alcohol is inflamma ble within the meaning of the statutes that authorization for storage will have to come from the fire depart ment acting under orders of the ai dermen as in the case ot storage of WATT REPRESENTS GOVERNOR AT PARLEY Robert Watt secretary treasurer of the State ederation of Labor is representing the state of Massachu setts by appointment of Gov Ely at the general conference of the North Atlantic states being held at Harris burg Pa for the purpose of formu lating interstate compacts having to do with wages and hours of work it was announced here today by John Gatelee president of the federation fueiTTorpoor AMILIES IS ASKED BY MAYOR Urges RA Head That It Be Provided at Government Expense Mayor Henry Martens today wrote fo ederal Relief Administrator Harry Hopkins at Washington urging the importance of action by the adminis tration in providing fuel at govern ment expense for the use of poor families Sizable shipments of coal were received here a year ago and distributed by the local dealers under regulations by which the quantities distributed were replaced under gov ernment orders The mayor feels that the fuel situ ation will be acute in many of the New England communities unless this aid is given The supply sent to Springfield last winter for instance was of great assistance in keeping families comfortable and in holding down welfare costs The mayor feels that the importance of this help may properly be emphasized now so that the distribution may be resumed Many of the welfare families are using range fuel oil instead of coal or wood but it is understood that the recent orders against furnishing coal applied to fuel oil as well ATTY SALTZMAN TRUSTEE ESTATE WITH BOND $2000 Atty Nathan Saltzman was to day named trustee in bankruptcy in the estate of Joseph A Lamothe druggist of Aldenville Chicopee and the bond fixed was $2000 The trus tee was named at the regular week ly sitting of bankruptcy court Refer ee Walter Stevens presiding The assets of the estate are $3000 and the liabilities $4560 Lamon tagne is the attorney for the bank rupt Monument or Mrs Whltesman A monument in honor of Mrs Mol lie Whitesman will be unveiled at Beth El cemetery at 12 Sunday noon Dr Samuel Price will officiate SUCCESSOR TO SEARS CANNOT BE APPOINTED Economy Regulations Do Not Permit illing of Vacancy The vacancy in the clerical force of the Springfield postoffice caused by the death of Ernest Sears will not permit the addition of another man to the force due to economy regula tions now in force it was explained today by Acting Postmaster Thomas Ashe As the result of a survey of the local postoffice by postal inspectors in 1931 a total of 137 clerks and 122 carriers was set as the limit of em ployes which cannot be exceeded by new appointments At the present time there are 138 clerks on the force so that two more vacancies must oc cur in this division before another permanent clerk can be chosen from the substitute list The carrier force now numbers 122 the same figure set by the postal inspectors It is expected that these regulations restricting the size of the force will be relaxed in the near future but the present rules do not allow an increase in the personnel The position of spe cial' clerk in the office of the super intendent of mails which Mr Sears held at the time of his death will be tilled by a transfer within the clerical force try A fit Wlw HL0c A IN Smooth and Straight Use It as You Would Whisky inest of apple jacks Hildick ia an all purpoB mixer Whit Label is 100 prizof Black Label 90 prooL Both eco nomically priced Ww I 71 I Jj HILDICK APPLEJACK BRAJVDY SPRINGIEID IMSTBUJLTORS McKesson Sprincfldd Company 88 Birnie Arwwi gasoline and other volatile liquids This may be necessary in addition to the permits for selling as granted in all probability by the license board un der the new regulations An opinion will soon be given for mally so that the procedure in selling denatured alcohol may be made clear The season for selling is now at its hight with the approach of cold weather the business being handled under authority of the health depart ment IS THE ACCOMPANIST OR Miss Stella Wise Serving in That Capacity for Sacred Heart Production After six weeks of intensive rehear sals Arthur Turner assisted by Stage Manager John Roberts have trained a cast of nearly 100 men and women for that immortal operetta of Gilbert and which will be in Court Square theater Monday Tuesday and Wednesday nights November 26 27 and 28 under the auspices of the Sa cred Heart palish Last rehearsal in the Sacred Heart high school hall was as smooth as any finished performance with much credit given to tjbse who have the leading parts in the show Mr Turner was fortunate in being able to choose the principals not only for their splendid singing voices but KI i 'S MISS STELLA WISE for their excellent personalities and ability to interpret the characters they represent Thillip Carey play ing the part of Sir Joseph Porter will make his first appearance in any musical show in the city but those privileged to hear Mr Carey sing his role at various rehearsals promise that a treat is in store for music lov ers when they hear this young bari tone sing I Was a Miss Stella Wise organist of the Sacred Heart church will again be accompanist for this production also acting as accompanist at all rehear sals Exchange of tickets for reserv ed seats will go on sale Thursday morning September 22 and dummy tickets can be obtained from any member of the cast or at music store at 1217 Main street Ed ward Quinn is in charge of public ity Amusem*nts DANCING TONIGHT AND EVEKY RIDAY NIGHT AT CAE SrRTNGHBITD ST CHICOPEE SATURDAY ONLY Half Sizes Stouts URRED DRESS COATS fa Of the Type That Seems a Virtual jsA Prices 21 the NEWEST No Charge for Alterations A GREAT Selection of Styles in the most durable woolens and furs Silk lined and warmly interlined Tvne Impossibility at These 3 and 'WJ SPORT COATS and Walk Up One light and SAVE! Consult Our Designer About Your Individual Taste in Style Volk Cloak MANUACTURING COMPANY MAIN ifactorysalesroomS Open Wednesday and Saturday to 8 gmnmnnnnnsaaaaa 3 1252 AT MASN COURT 3 fl 1 JKSARE 3 I DWe" Jw I COATS 1 JraJ WMk DRESSES 1k I r11 5 Credit I sHfi Is Good OPEN AN ACCOUNT MB 8 TOPCOATS jH 1 1 OVERCOATS S1 9 1" fll HILDICK APPLEJACK BRAJVDY 1.
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