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THE SPRINGIELD DAILY NEWS SPRINGIELD MASS: WEDNESDAY APRIL 21 1937 '15 EAST LONGMEADOW WILBRAHAM Palmer and Villages News of Ware WILBRAHAM BRIES NORTH WILBRAHAM Police On Crusade Against Ghosts ENIELD North OR SPRING VACATION for BONDSVILLE GILBERTVILLE among 16 of Mr and Dougan of second THREE RIVERS te BOWLING RESULTS RUSSELL HAMPDEN PALMER OBITUARY OPENING TODAY Ar Established in 1760 LUDLOW CENTER Ludlow Center April 21 The now a foot on Alon hit it with an that required last night at by the Help the Morning reported this morning has been accepted into the Orchard Twilight 57 61 40 83 tonior for the bills Sedgwick Brouillette Heine Alon roe 69 59 56 68 47 52 65 74 44 64 54 69 69 64 61 Les Ruth Eric town with former rest CIRCLE TO OBSERVE 10TH ANNIVERSARY TONIGHT getting the diamond in tip for the opener Sand and been used extensively on filling raising the The infield will be rolled post American be held tomorrow eve club rooms at 8 be a meeting of the au Lutheran church tomor in the church at 8 It EST WARREN Dance tonight Bondsville Adv WARE Dance tonight Adv Three Rivers April 21 The first' Iiaseball practice of the season for the ranco Americans of this village will be held tonight at Cheney field at 530 All interested in playing ball for the local club who will be cn tered 4n the Qua boa Valley baseball league are asked to be on hand to PALMETt Dance tonight Bondsville Adv Witness iii Neighborhood Row' Spends 10 Minutes On Stand Writing Out His Testimony MRS MINNIE ELDREDGE HONORED BY CHILDREN WAKE BRIES funeral of Aliss Alargiierite La 44 of 108 North street who Wilbraham April 21 The Wilbraham bowling team the 1500 total penfall work Ware April 21 The recently or ganized Ware Wonder baseball team will open their season on the local ball grounds on Alay 8 against either Southbridge or North Brookfield The plans for the league now call for an eight team circuit with Southbridge and possibly Oxford or Alonson being the two additional new members The Southbridge entry will be man aged by Jake Edwards former Dart mouth atlete who at one time was with the Cincinnati i Reds Edwards intends to line up the strongest pos sible combines he can muster he himself playing an outfield post A committee appointed by league ad viser Jigger Jones of Worcester is trying to acquire either Oxford or Alonson for the Central Alass league Alore will be known on this matter Thursday evening when the managers and team directors are to meet in Spencer John Connor old time major league ball player of this town has consented to act as club director James Rohan playing man ager has lined up two more fine ball players in Whalen and Stan ley Pietryka The players themselves nave oeen top shape clay have the infield basepaths this week which should put it in good shape for practice sessions Walter itzgerald chairman of the Wonder's baseball committee reports that con tributions are still being accepted and that the response is most heartening The first practice of the local club will be held on the Pumping station grounds tonight at 530 Manager Ro han requests that all players be on hand Ware April Mrs Alinnie Eld redge of 125 Main street was the guest of her children at the home of her son and daughter in law Air and Mrs Je rome Eldredge of East street last night in honor of her 65th birthday Mrs Eldredge was presented with a purse of $65 Refreshments were served and there were games and a re union Those attending were Air and Airs William Eldredge and family Air and Airs Albert Eldredge and fam ily Airs Dorothy Lewis and daughter Air and Airs Anthony Poulin Mr and Airs Ruth Piper and Air and Airs Wil liam Aughtry and family and other friends Palmer April Tickets are now available for the concert and amateur show to be staged by the community band Monday at the high school and may be secured from any of the mem bers They will also be sold at the door it was announced Ths entry list for the amateur part of the show has been filled and a few more than the 20 set for the limit had to be accepted but no more will be signed Director Arthur itch said tooay A program for the event will issued tomorrow The reau died yesterday after a long illness was held this morning at Charbonn funeral home at 730 followed by a requiem high mass at Our Lady of Alount Carmel church at 8 Rev Ernest Lapierre was the celebrant of the mass Burial was in Alount Car mel cemetery Aliss La reau was born at Ludlow and had lived in Ware nearly all her life She is survived bv her mother Airs rank Gebo with whom she lived a sister Airs Omer Alongeau of Ware and two brothers Edward of Ware and Charles of Worcester John Aloriarty of 53 Eddy street chairman of the Democratic town committee and a member of the Puu dential committee of the Ware fire district is seriously ill at his home fol lowing a shock suffered yesterday at home Air Moriarty for many years LOCAL TEAM JOINS TWILIGHT LEAGUE WARE WONDERS TO OPEN SEASON MAY 8 Wilbraham April Aliss Eliza beth Powers well known local vocal ist daughter of Capt James Powers of ort Devens is scheduled to take part in the first annual amateur night piogram under the auspices of the Palmer community band in the Pal mer high school auditorium the night of the 26th Miss Powers will be assisted at the piano by George Todd RANCOS TO HAVE IRST BALL PRACTICE MEETINGS ALONG NEW LINES Airs Airs Bessie Wood Airs Alary crocked the 1500 total penfall work last night in winning over the Amer ican Legion outfit of Springfield It was the second victory for the local's over the Legion in a week Lyons and Tenczar starred for North Wil braham and Connelly was tops the ex soldiers The scores: North Wilbraham PERCH HORNED POUT RUNNING WELL HERE North Wilbraham April 21 Now that state highway workmen have completely retouched up all white lines on the Post road here making them visible to motorists who are ex pected to abide by the rules of the road state and local police are plan ning a drive against those who the rules Even though the state troopers have been given much of their attention to this section the coming of good weather which has brought heavier traffic has also brought about the urge for many to try speeding through the town The safety committee is anxious to have all motorists and pedestrians cooperate in 'making this section a safe place The accident rate has been kept down the committee reports and caution on the part of everyone will be of great help to themselves the police and the town they state TOWN TAX IS REDUCED BY 56 TO $38 PER $1000 TRAIC RULES TO BE ENORCED TRAPROCKJOB IS UNDER WAY ENTERTAINMENT AND WHIST PARTY PLANNED OR CHURCH UND prize offered AMATEUR SHOW TICKETS READY HIGH SCHOOL TENNIS MAKES PLANS OR VERY BUSY SEASON MISS POWERS TO SING AT PALMER Palmer April Goings on in the row" block in Church street Thorndike were aired in district court today in a trial which was featured by the written testimony of one of the witnesses who was so excited on the stand that he became incoherent and Judge Ernest Hobson ordered him to write out his testimony The witness wrote on the stand for alvut 10 minutes giving a detailed version of the fight which was claimed to have taken place last Wednesday As a result of this trial Airs Anna Krol was placed on proba tion but Judge Hobson stated that there was clearly an affray in the disturbance which took place there last and that the complainant Airs Lillian Vertefeuille was as guilty as Airs Krol but that as there was no complaint against her no action could bo taken Airs Vertefeuille said that she was assaulted by Mrs Krol with two clubs and produced a rolling pin in court which she said the defendant left in EXPECT STEP WILL REDUCE VIOLATIONS Ware April 21 Something some what different in the way of meetings is taking place locally In stead of general meetings to discuss problems in which perhaps only a few teachers would be vitally concerned a series of group meetings has been ar ranged Up to the present the teachers of grades one two and three have met at different buildings under the tempo rary leadership of Aliss Ruth Buckley and those of grades four five and six have met with Aliss Alary Dugan as the leader Later the' junior high grades and eight as well as spe cial senior high groups be or ganized The purpose of these meetings is to unify the system in all mat ters pertaining to efficiency in teach ing Discussions are free and unham pered suggestions are to be agreed upon for presentation to the superin tendent on such phases of the work as outlines remedial measures special groups collateral reading new text books etc Who Remove Lead rom Gravestones In Cemeteries to Be Sold as Junk Palmer April The Quaboag Val ley Baseball league now formed of six teams may be increased to eight at its meeting scheduled tonight at the International American club Monson and the ranco American club of Three Rivers are the two who will be added according to indications today The question of Sunday 11 will also be thrashed out tonight and rep resentatives of the teams entered in the league are asked to be on hand Officials of the Boy Scout troop announced this morning that no meeting will be held tomorrow night but every member of the troop is requested to report at fill ing station riday evening at 630 Air and Airs 'John Cleary are par ents of a daughter born Sunday at Ludlow hospital A meeting of the Barnyard Golf league officials will be held tomorrow night at 7 reshmen who have invaded this section in large numbers since the opening of the season have been for tunate and many fine catches have been reported Among the local men who recently came through with a nice catch was A Gilbert who landed 13 all of them being over the eight inch mark It was reported that some sections of one of the best streams in this vicinity were posted soon after the season opened and many anglers are greatly upset be cause they believe such a move should have been made before the season opened PALMER GIRL or woman wanted for housework Stay nights Palmer 291 21 Adv Three Rivers April 21 The weekly bingo game sponsored by the church history class of the St Peter and church will be held tonight at 8 at the school hall There will be an entertainment program put on by the school children and featuring a vocal solo by Alilton Wojcik To a game will be the third in the series Gilbertville April 21 The Benevolent society will meet in chapel tomorrow afternoon at 3 The Boy Scouts will meet tomorrow evening at 730 in the chapel The senior class of Hardwick high school will present Night Owl" in the school auditorium riday eve ning Aliss Logee of the faculty is in" charge of the production Mr and Airs Sidney Besser and' sons have returned to Providence after a few days in friends The Bessers are dents Air and Airs Thomas Highland terrace have returned after a motor trip to Warren Air and Airs Robert Dougan have re turned to their home on East street after a trip to Dover Airs Ralphs Hall and family have returned to Norwich Ct after sv visit with' Air and Airs John Armstrong of Alain street in the plumbing business retired from active work a lew years ago Three bad forest fires raged here fJ yesterday afternoon one on Warren hill near the Prendiville farm one near the Babco*ck tavern the Griffin farm in district 3 and the Supka farm in district 7 All three fires were reported by the lookout at the watch tower on Ragged hill and later the state forest fire truck ar rived from Winchendon to assist or est fire warden Henry Hevey and chief of the fire department Theodore Deslauriers w'ere in chargq of crews fighting the fires Several hundreds of acres of grass and forest land burned over in all three fires The electric light standard near All church on North street was wrecked yesterday afternoon a when Robert Lawton of Putnam Ct op erating a trailer on which was loaded a tractor struck the standard and snapped it off Alotorcycle Officer Ol iver Denis investigated and the crew of the Central Massachusetts Electric company Installed a new standard later in the afternoon Rev John Carleton for the past two years rector of the Trinity Epis copal church left yesterday to take up his new duties as rector of the Episcopal cathedral" at Alarquette Alich A large moving van from Alar quette arrived at noon and loaded the household furnishings for the trip to Alichigan Air Carleton will go to his former home at Saulte St Marie Alich to visit The Ware Relief associa tion will hold its annual banquet and get together at the Central fire sta tion on the night of Thursday Alay 6 AT Leroy Greenfield superintendent of the Ware schools is at Bridgewater State college attending the annual conference of the superinten dents of schools of the state Thera were two schools that had 100 per cent standing in the School Thrift Savings league last week High street and East street schools There were five rooms that had a 100 per cent record in the individual standing High street grade 4 Miss Mary Du gan: grade 5 Aliss Deloise Vigenta and grade 6 Aliss Alargaret Garde East street grades 1 and 2 Aliss El sie Donaldson Ludlow Center April 21 The La Aid society of the irst Con gregational church met yesterday aft ernoon in Rood hall for the regular I monthly meeting Airs Walter Pease took charge of the business session and led the group in making plans for coming activities Airs A oss and Airs A Miller acted as host esses at the social hour when re freshments were served The women will serve ft roast beef supper in Rood hall tonight at 6 in charge of Airs Edgar Rhodes Ludlow Grange will sponsor an dance tomorrow night in its hall from 8 to 12 with Edward Tierney and his orchestra furnish ing music fot both old fashioned and modei'n numbers i A Al Jones director of the irst RITES OR MRS PETERSON Palmer April 21 The funeral Airs Alary (Kinnevan) Peterson the hallway after clouting her with It Airs Krol derried ever seeing the pin Witnesses testified that Airs Verte feuille also threw stones at1 AIra Krol as well as taking a punch at the de fendant while she stood conversing with another group outside the apart ment house which has been the scene of historic battles in Thorndike Airs Romeo Rivers a witness testi fied that she heard Airs Verefcuille scheme the whole affair on the morn ing of the afternoon that the assault of which Airs Krol was accused took place and that she heard Airs Verte feuille the complainant say to an other neighbor that she would give Airs Krol good one" Airs VerteTeuille on the stand this morning said that the whole thing was a The witness who wrote out his ac count for Judge Hobson this morning was an elderly man living In the apartment who sought to separate Airs Krol and Airs Vertefeuille while they battled it out in the hallway Palmer April 21 Police today be gan a campaign against ghouls who have been taking lead off gravestones in cemeteries in town Headstone which in some instances 5 are secured to their base with lead fittings are tipped off and the lead taken for its junk value police re ported With the price of junk and lead go ing up the depredations are on the increase police say Several pounds of lead are sometimes secured police said RICHARD LESTER Brown) costumes and Aliss Gabrielle Le maitre for programs all of the fac ulty The pianists are Vivian Alcader Barbara Kaplan and Dwight Howard The principals in the operetta are Leandre Letourneau Roland Gravel Sophie Pesarczyk lelen Alartowski Theodore Gagnon Helen Davis Grace Hale Leland Alarland Richard ter Noella Morin Helen Stritch Kendall Rodolph Zulkiewicz Greenfield and John Aloriarty The attractive historic spot on Routes 9 and 19 at West Brookfield Massachusetts YE OLDE TAVERN Palmer April 21 Yellow perch and horned pout are running far ahead of the trout as regards catches local fishermen report Though disdained by many of the trout fishermen the perch and bull heads are providing good sport for the less particular rodsmen Lack of suc cess by trout fishermen in many of the streams in this area is bringing indict ments on the stocking of the streams ishermen point to the perfect weather i the trout season has shown so far and the good condition of the brooks in the know say that the trout are in tho streams but that it takes fishermen to catch them WEEKLY GAME TO BE HELD TONIGHT Walker of Greenwich Village were guests at a recent dinner and bridge party given in two hnmn Mrs rank Gage at South Am herst formerly of Enfield Lawrence Jr Patrick and Helen Kelleher of Turners alls are spend ing this week with their grandpar ents Air and Airs William Galvin Prim winners at the wnoklv mill tary whist party sponsored by the Grange were: irst Airs William Stead Ayers Airs Katie Noel of Belcher town Cady Air and of Ware Airs I chertown won All the old traditions retained but in an entirely new modernistic settiiig Re furnished and Redecorated throughout co*cktail Lounge Modern Bar ull License Privileges Snappy Orchestra Dancing Overnight Guests inest 1 of oods and specializing in Delicious Roast Duckling! Special Catering to Morning Afternoon Evening and Bridge Parties George Navickas Manager Open All Year Telephone No Brookfield 428 GRACE HALE (Photo by Ware April a Gilbeit and Sullivan operetta will be the vehicle for the Ware high school students to be presented at the high school hall on the nights of April 29 and 30 Aliss Helen Chase supervisor of music in tho schools is tho director Assisting in presenting the operetta are Aliss Al Elizabeth Rohan for the speaking parts Miss Dorothy Aliss Alice itzger ald and Aliss Eleanor for church choir has called a rehearsal of the senior choir for tomorrow night at 730 in Rood hall SCHOOLS TO CLOSE tai Aliss Virginia Wheaton daughter of Air and Airs Harry Wheaton of Confer street has returned tr studies at the Gol'ham (Ale) Normal Enfield April 21 The Enfield Cen school after spending the spring va ter schools will close on riday after cation at the home of her parents noon for the annual spring vacation reopen on uonoay May 3rd Airs Walter Brown will be at the select mens room of the town hall row afternoon from 330 to 4 purpose of paying all school Palmer April The Broadway avorites defeated the Hollywood Stars in a high school girls' bowling league match at the Alidura alleys jeoLciuay or tne winners Al was the high scorer while was tops for the losers The score: Broadway avorites ij vvmte Aloore Kenny Al Bishop Anton Kishan a senior at Bates college' and an outstanding track man there was cast in a different role recently when with 150 other stu dents he demonstrated the cathode ray and the difference in electrical potential Kishan is majoring in physics and the recent demonstration as held at the biennial science ex hibit at the college Airs A Phillips an officer of the guild of the Wilbraham United church announced this morn ing that an all day meeting of the guild will be held in South church tomorrow with assembly at 11 luncheon at noon and sewing in the afternoon The Wilbraham ish and Game club will offer a prize for the largest trout caught here during the season Complete details will be announced soon Hollywood Stars 67 46 64 54 annual exhibit and entertain I Shirley Glidden small daughter of Russell school riday 'lr ana Airs annur inaacn oi mu I 1 3 tn Lvi IliCHC bllVCl UJL BI dltu iiti um uuui ENIELD BRIES Zion chapter Order of Eastern Star I will hold its meeting for the month tomorrow evening Harry Randall of this town suf fered an injury to his day afternoon when he Bondsville April 21 ather Ale ax causing a wound Keaney circle Daughters of Isabella six stitches to close will observe its 10th anniversary at M' ani Airs Charles a banquet tonight at 7 at the Better inn Airs Katherine Donovan regent will be toastmaster The com mittee in Charge includes Aliss Alaude I a Cross chairman Aliss Kathleen Quirk and Aliss Nora Aloriarty Alem bers of the Palmer circle have been invited to attend Rev Ralph O'Neill pastor of St church' chaplain of the local circle will be present collecting water rents It was voted to use surplus funds in treasury to reduce the tax rate Aliss Theodora Carroll has turned to her home here after spend ing the winter in sSoringfield red Alartin has been appointed cellar deputy fire warden by orest ire Warden George Harris Boy Scout troop 104 will meet to morrow night at 730 at the Russell of the community are invited school Alfred Hague is in the lead in the contest for the collection of tent SCOTLAND YARD TO REDUCE caterpillar egg clusters having 412 so London Scotland Yard is to be re far The Russell Rod and Gun club dticed but only in weight Sir Nor are offering the first prize of $3 to man Kendal chief of the criminal the troop investigation department remarked A public bridge and whist party will about the growing obesity of the be conducted by the Urskatena I with the result that a pro council Degree of Pocahontas Thurs gram of morning setting up exercises day night at 8 after the regular has" been devised for more than 150 meeting of the council detectives or Sale at a sacrifice 5 crypts Hillcrest Mausoleum A Holbrook INN Palmer of Holyoke was held this morning at the Loftus funeral home followed by a requiem high mass at the St Thomas church celebrated by the Rev Daniel Hennessey Burial was in the St Thomas cemetery and the prayers at the grave were offered by Rev George riel The bearers were Patrick Daly Schnectady Dr Daniel O'Connor Dr Edmund AIcNally and John oley of Alelrose PIANO TUNING $3 actory Trained Expert on all Repair Service Over 2o Years experience ormerly with Gibbs Piano Co and IERCE MUSIC CO of Spfld KUBICEK Tel Ware 418 Palmer April 21 Renewing of the white traffic lines on the Boston Post road west of Palmer is expected to cut down road violations in tho opinion of the police The lines faded out during the fall and winter and unwary motorists have been commit violations in many instances without realizing it it was said today ine fresh lines are so laid out that any cutting out of line at places with on obscured will now be a flagrant violation according to thb police LOCAL BOWLERS WIN OVER LEGION Court Probates Woman Defendant and inds That the Complainant Was as Much to Blame as the Other Woman TWO MORE TEAMS MAY JOIN LEAGUE Have Parts in The Ware High S'hool Student Play North Wilbraham April Stanley Dzija North AVilbraham town team official who that the team the ranks of league states that an important mat ter will be discussed this evening and he requests every member of the team to be present at a meeting at Griffin's at 630 Other officials of the team are a8 vised to make every effort to be on hand as the problem to be 'decided upon not later tlian tonight hinges around the possibility of having to give up plans for another league NORTH WILBRAHAM BRIES HAMPDEN BRIES Aliss Aluricl Pease of Scantic road ccompanied by Aliss Dorothea AIc niley and Aliss Eva Arenzel: of Springfield returned yesterday after a few days spent in Washington and Maryland Airs Ralph Schneelock will entertain the A I Bridge club on Thursday evening East Longmeadow April 21 The improvement committee of the AVom en's Community club has completed plans for judging posters made by pupils of Grades 6 7 and 8 of Center and Pleasant schools tonight in the town hall in connection with the annual cleanup week campaign The winners will receive first and second cash prizes The judges will be Doug las Beck and Airs Carl Haetinger Both have had previous experience in judging The posters will be on dis play tomorrow afternoon at the an nual business meeting of the club at the Alasonic temple Alembers of Gunther Rowley post American Legion met with the select men last night and the selectmen con sented to construct a marble rink at the Center playground to be spon sored by the post Other business dur ing the meeting included the request to town officials to make a monthly report of activities rather than an annually report The request reads as follows: the past appointed town officials have' annually submitted a report covering the activities of their departments Effective Alay 1 reports covering activities together with any suggestions or recommendations you may care to offer are to be submitted monthly on or before the 10th Re ports for the months of April are to include January ebruary and March request was made to the water de partment by the selectmen asking the water commissioners to make recom mendations for water main extensions This is believed to bo the result of requests from Crane street for the installing of a main The water de partment recommended the residents appeal to the selectmen which Was done last night The Alcmorial day committee met with the selectmen last night regard ing plans for the exercises As the result Leo Glynn selectman will be the principal speaker Select man Sanford Nooney will assist the committee in obtaining music and Chairman George Smith will place a wreath at the base of the monument The exercises will take place Monday morning Alay 31 The selectmen appointed Lyles Dibble a permanent member of the fire department last night to fill the vacancy made by the resignation of Walter Chandler 'The selectmen received and ac cepted the resignation of elix Shar 1 iic oc ennnial and flnf Palmer April 21 The high school The board received notice last night tennis team is making preparations that Alexander Garini has filed a pe for its best season with the possi tition for a hearing with the ABC bility of the Legion field courts being commissioners for granting a liquor opened for part of the schedule license at North Alain street and Gi The season opens in AVare Alay 11 raid avenue The selectmen refused and the first home game is on May to grant the license two weeks ago 14 with Alonson here In past years following a request by Garini Air the local club has been a road team Glvnn will represent the board at the the players being hampered by lack hearing In Boston convenient playing surface Plans have been made by the fac Veterans on hand this year are ulty of Pleasant View school for a Noga Dearden and AIcNally Each variety show next month It will in team plays four singles and two elude pupils of all grades The pro doubles in their matches The sched ceeds will be used toward the instala tion of a radio in the school there Alay 14 Alon At the weekly dental clinic yester EntelL home I jay morning at Pleasant View school I 1 East hampton home: May conducted by School Dentist Dr 26 Temple and School Nurse Aliss Signe May S' Eudlow Polson there were seven children Tutio j6 iie avene courts I given treatment Certificates for per son Ion" feet teeth went to Alarlene Schaurier Tune nfleJCT therc: Barbara AVhitney and Joan Johnson West here June 10 pre primary children and Charles sth Hndle? innno? Jn lynn Van no and Ernest low home June 17 Eud Alinor of grade 5 A dental examina tion for pre primary children was DATADV TA ULAD conducted and 18 were present with IXUlAKl IV llLnK seven receiving certificates Aliss Pol son expressed herself as pleased with nr STnric market resuits and work of ex Ui Wn HlUlllLil amining and preparing the youngsters between the ages of two and one half and five years was an outstand Palmer Aoril 27 John I ins: advantasre in larer vpnrs Th a Hayden Stone company Boston third and final in a series of toxoid will be the speaker at the weekly I treatments was given pre primary meeting of the Rotary club at the children yesterday when 12 received Better inn tomorrow noon He ill attention 1 i talk on "The stock market and its Troop 44 Girl Scouts met for relation to I weekly activities yesterday afternoon in the vestry of the Congregational I church A swimming party was planned for the near future to be conducted by Capt Grace Alichel and I Mark Bourgeoise The bi monthly business meeting or tiuntner Palmer April Work on the lay The ing of the traprock on the stretch of road between our Corners and Three ral Rivers began today The work is be row evenin mrr 1 UT I LUD CV 6111114? My uiu vuiiuimn vonstruc sDecial nwtinir of thp rnnr roTT work threeran and tionachurch held latt iiight for among the state county and P16 of actinff on tlans fernng of the parsonage on Prospect street to Elm street and as the result' it was voted that the pastor take possession of the Elm street prop erty the first of the month The Pros pect street property was turned over to the trustees last night to either rent or sell the buildings anJ land In the absence of rederic A Wheeler Bishop moderator jurs vvneeier acted in tnat Alonroe capacity ollowing the meeting a i irvcpiiuii weus xiviu xur new meinoers The program and refreshments were planned by members of the Dorcas 170 Guild The program included solos by 102 Airs Bertha Ernshaw piano duet by 150 Betty Colby and Edith Clark read 224 ings by Miss Barbara Wood The com mittee in charge was Airs George 745 Wheeler president of the guild Airs Winston Stephens Airs Morton Walker 183 and Airs Laurence Davis Nearly 100 157 attended 185 The many friends of Airs John Lar 196 son of Springfield former resident here will be pleased to learn of her 721 improved condition following a seri ous illness in a New York hospital Aliss Virginia alk daughter of Air and Airs Peter alk of Edmund street is in Shrine hospital where she re cently underwent an operation Air and Airs Herbert Carlson of Lowell were weekend and holiday guests of Air and Airs Allen Buchanan of Crane street The fire department received a mid Hampden April 21 The taxpayers night call last night to Westwood av will rejoice to learn that the 1937 enue where a shack was burning It rate is to be $6 less than last year is believed the fire was set by youths or $38 per $100 Air Bell of Green Little damage was reported field met with the board of assessors Robert Todd of Newton is spehd so that Homer Hatch chairman I ing a week with his grandparents Air of the local board is able to announce and Airs Oscar Anderson of Edmund some definite figures The tax street is $141091 the cost of auditing thc At the' monthly business meeting town books amounted to $28566 and program of the Alissionary society share toward state parks of the Alethodist church yesterday and reservations is $1648 the county at the home of Mrs William St Clair tax is $123370 and the overlay $65580 plans made for a special pro The total amount appropriated at the gram on Alay 18 in the church vestry annual town meeting was $4119668 a special speaker will be heard The The sum of $1650 was taken from committee includes Mrs Henrv Jacob xulluo xne vouuuieu son Airs Gilbert Shaw and Airs ceipts are as follows: Income tax thur Wagner vMMx jiiuiur veiiicie laxes $iuuu license $350 general government $100 health and sanitation $100 old age assistance $700 schools $9500 interest on taxes $250 These total $1576782 Hence the sum of $2702501 remains to be raised from poll and property taxes The total value of all the property in town $696395 of which $66175 is in per sonal property $395295 in buildings ana diuz0 in land There are 281 I oils Air and Airs Howard Airs Joseph Chevalier Annie Bruce of Bel the General Electric which was the grand run viiiinun ruiiu prize offered at the conclusion of a I six weeks contest Bondsville April There will be Addie Lyon of Spencer is visit a whist party and entertainment in at lorne and A St church hall for the benefit of the parish on riday eve Vr and Mrs John Toelken and sma 1 ming at 730 Rehearsals for the en Jeft town this week tertainments have been in progress I at 7 Boston road Springfield this week under the direction of Airs I Toelken Is by the Van Albert Keroack of South Main street TtX)1 domPany of that city A short musical comedy entitled I the recent play of the Evening New Bondsville Kindergarten1 will I of Mr and be presented with the following par Mrs Clifton Wells prizes for high ticipants: Teacher Aladeline Plante by Mrs Wells and school doctor Daniel Shea Jr Sheffield pupils Rachel June and Lena JL1S3 EIsie Nightingale has returned Girouard Alary Bowler Alarceline to Barre after a few days stay with itzgerald Gloria Dolan Dorothy her aunt Mrs rederick Zappey Keyes Bernice Belisle John and Mr and JIrs BeBoy Hammond James Carter Bernard Griffin Ber have to EUenviHe where nard Cavanaugh John Dolan rank the former 13 divisional engineer with Belisle James Sullivan and Edward the Water Supply commission Shea engaged in the construction of a tun The program will feature the' fol nel froin the Delaware river to supply lowing: Processional march opening watf'r for New York city chorus "School son George Bellingrath president of Bonnie Lies Over the 'recita Piedmont college in Demorest Ga tion irst Haircut Gladys 8ave a talk 011 tllc illustrating Sullivan 'duet "Meet Ale at Twi "ith motion pictures Monday eve Rachel Girouard and Aladeline at honle ot Miss Alaiion A Plante: games at recess chorus Smith with several townspeople Two Button My recita tion Ride in An Lena Wendemuth farm at Prescott Girouard bovs' chorus Me I has been rented from the Metropolitan finale merica District Water Supply commission by The committee charge of the Ed'vard Whalen at Springfield to be evening include: Refreshments Aliss 83 a summer home Elizabeth itzgerald prizes Miss James Walker resumed his studies Lucy Austin whist Miss Alargaret at Rensselaer Polytechnic institute in Donovan Troy yesterday after spending the holiday recess with parents Air AIRS ANNA KULIG and Airs Charles Walker Bondsville April 21 Airs Anna nri tini i i nnirro (Ziemba) Kulig 52 died at her home EAST SPRINGIELD BRIES in South Belchertown this morning She was born in Poland and came to this country 34 years ago She leaves and Airs Atwood of Worccs three sons Joseph John and rank ter spent the recent weekend and all at home and two daughters Ver holiday as guests of their son and nonica and Jennie The funeral will daughter in law Mr and Mrs Edwin be held Saturday morning at 9 in Atwood of Stuyvesant street the bt church The East Soringfield branch library is open this evening until 830 after being closed all day Monday in ob servance of the holiday The usual Hussrll April 21 The 4 hours of3 to 830 will also be kept on club Needle will have Saturday their ment at the A food 'sale will be held at the daY recently with a party at her Community church riday afternoon home for a group of little friends under the auspices of tho Aid of games was followed by society a birthday supper with decorations Les Douze Amies Bridge club will Pmk and white Shirley received meet tonight at the home of Mrs many attractive gifts from her guests rank Walsh with Airs AValsh and amon Eileen borsyth Eugene Knightly as hostesses Beverly Breck Rita Dagesse Kose A 17 inch brown trout was caught Bos3' by James Norton at Crescent mills lvai Hennd Betty Sunday This is the largest one re Gbdden apd norted c'lne'ht in this sprtinn Vprv I Nelson Monlcal of Osborne terrace ew fherme have got thedahyV ct I city was violin soloist at tno rural limit but snrriA havA rpnnrtnd a ctad catch minstrel show given At the recent special town cfobof it was voted to appropriate $7000 to st Rebekah lodEre complete the nitration plant and Mrs Liuian stuart Chase home make improvements to the town wa demOnstration agent of the Hampden ter system The matter of appropriate county Improvement league will be ing money to pay for repairs to a guest at the last ef a series of sewers at Woronoco was left in the fOllr classes to be held Tuesday after hands of the selectmen for further noon at 1 30 in the new league vestigation to be reported to the town I project The at a future meeting It was voted not meeting will be held at the home of to acept the new law in regard to Mrs Raymond Mathison of Pren aiso tice street with Airs Guido Pasquini the and Airs Clifton Adams as leaders The discussion will center re around adequate storage space for toods kitchen utensils cleaning equip ment toys household appliances and ernrotya Qu acf mr tx iII given for constructing many of these cupboards at home for a small cost and little labor All interested women SPECIAL OR THIS WEEK 10B A eeder 25 10O ount 55 25 Baby Chicks 275 25 lbs Chick Starlind 95 Total S450 SALE TRICE $370 Checkerboard eed Store 323 Main TeIt 80 REE MOVIES TONIGHT blKE AlTO DANCE riday and Saturday Nights eaturing Broadcasting Orchestra Come early and get your Seats Special riday Nights STEAMED CLAMS DINNER BELL CAE MAIN ST WARE il Wir Hi Porter 85 110 97 292 Lyons 101 112 122 335 Cone 94 90 100 28 4 Tenczar 95 109 100 30 4 itzgerald 104 98 93 295 Totals 479 519 512 1510 Springfield Legion Gallerans 120' 81 94 298 Pawley 85 83 97 265 Connelly 95 95 117 307 Kennedy 74 82 102 258 Alullins 87 103 101 294 Totals 461 447 511 1122.
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